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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. This would mean for the first time in a little while that Minnesota was actually more blue than the nat'l popular vote (went to Hillary by less than 2 pts).
  2. Just got an email from Warnock in Georgia to donate to his Senate runoff race. http://secure.actblue.com//cf/static/actblue/favicon.ico I just gave to the National Democratic Training Committee! SECURE.ACTBLUE.COM The NDTC team is made up of focused, knowledgeable individuals working together to achieve three goals: to improve the performance of every Democrat up and down the ticket, elect more Democrats to offices, and create a deep bench of qualified public servants ready to run for higher office. Let's get that majority.
  3. Agreed. You ALL have a good reason to be optimistic, but I'm still waiting before getting TOO excited. Though man, Georgia and Arizona going blue would have me ejaculate into lucian's food.
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