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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. This reminds me of this thread I saw on the vesti. Thread title: i have a really big problem with my gf Original Post: she doesn't exist First reply: damn man im sorry to hear that but if you talk it through and listen to her im sure you both can work this out
  2. We're glad you had that thought.
  3. Only posting this tweet because it's more than idiotic, but I won't make it a habit because I'm sick of reading his tweets.
  4. In Florida, it's sadly obvious to us. I see the plays guys like Rick Scott makes to Puerto Ricans and Venezuela, and I feel like Democrats are always caught flat-footed. That's why Florida/Texas Hispanic populations are broad, diverse, and powerful, but can also be tapped into if Democrats got their act together. In Texas, I think they can. Florida, I feel like we're always like this. At least Obama and Bill showed how to win there. I forget what part of the Democratic Party said this -- it may have even been people close to Obama -- but I remember reading some also thought it precluded people like Andrew Yang.
  5. Philadelphia City Commissioners will give an update on the mail-in ballot count at around 9 a.m., we’ll be here to cover that. Georgia is still counting votes, and Trump’s lead there has narrowed to less that 20,000. We’re hopeful to get more voters there throughout the morning, but … 🤷 Nevada is expected to announce more results beginning at 12 p.m. ET. Finally, Arizona, too, is still counting votes and Trump is cutting into Biden’s lead there. We expect Maricopa County to report more votes at 9 p.m. ET, and some more Pima County results this evening.
  6. I'm dying at some of these freakout videos https://www.facebook.com/maogjoa/posts/10222080342890503 EDIT: WHY DOESNT THIS SHIT FUCKING FUC
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