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Posts posted by DPCyric

  1. On 7/13/2018 at 2:38 PM, TwinIon said:

    I've heard a few people on twitter saying it's the best action movie since Fury Road. That's a hell of an endorsement. Even if it's not quite that good, at least it seems we've avoided another Quantum of Solace / Spectre scenario.


    With this movie coming out, it's been nice to see so much praise for the Mission Impossible franchise. It' really is a bit of an oddity, but it's been consistently enjoyable and exciting. I'm happy that this one continues that streak.


    What is odd about it? Tom Cruise only has a couple bad movies on his resume and I imagine generally rejects the role for any script he feels is bad (I really don't know why he accepted the role for The Mummy tbh). Honestly I am disappointed he doesn't diversify a little more playing it safe is his downfall but it is hard to argue against his action hero resume.

  2. 8 hours ago, Mercury33 said:

    I’m so annoyed this is on Hulu as it’s the only streaming service I don’t currently pay for haha


    Hulu is great for a month or two each year when network shows drop but really not worth paying for year round sadly.

  3. 34 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

    The OG Xbox. I had an NES, a SNES, an N64, a PS1, then got that OG Xbox when it launched because of the hardware specs and MS brand recognition. Though I enjoyed every console before it and have enjoyed the 360 and Xbone after it no console has had quite the impact of playing Halo via system link, or the sleek sexy cars in Project Gotham Racing, or the soundtrack and sandbox of Amped, or watching a game use shadow like Splinter Cell, or made me love Star Wars again like KOTOR, or the online brilliance of Rainbow Six 3, or the anticipation of Halo 2, etc etc. 


    If the OG Xbox had a typical console lifespan it would have been my pick with only my love of PSVR competing with it... I have soo much time into RS3 alone that it puts the Xbox high on my list.

  4. Thanks to a strong list of backwards compatible titles and certainly more on the way the Xbox One is my favorite home console of all time (not to mention it has the best controller of a home console ever with the Elite). Maybe by the end of this generation the PS4 can overtake the XBO if they continue releasing PSVR content I love and put in some backwards compatibility. Most of the other consoles I can throw some shade at.

  5. 5 hours ago, Anzo said:

    I’d probably have to choose DS lite because of all the Igavania’s that released on it. 


    That is actually the one argument that could push the DS ahead of the Vita for me... I really don't care about most Nintendo first party stuff but the Igavania's, a couple solid SRPG's and some unique Japanese titles really shined on the DS.

  6. I am actually leaning towards the Vita on this one... the available PSP library is fantastic on top of a lot of solid high budget titles and some amazing indie ports. I find the 3DS to be very weak and extremely reliant on ports of OLD games. For most people I feel the 3DS is a better choice because of DS BC (which had a much stronger library) but the Vita just has a strong amount of games I go back to not just one and done experiences. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Raggit said:

    Thanks for all the info! I'm leaning towards the Elite controller, but I really want to get a feel for it myself before dropping so much money on a controller. I'll try and find a place that has one on display... after this damn heat wave is finished lol. My second choice would be the regular X1 controller should I decide against the Elite.


    Honestly the regular XBO Controller has a mediocre DPad with the Elite being a step up... however instead of spending the money on the Elite why not just get a PS4 controller and put in the extra work to get it to work (says someone who hates dealing with anything that isn't just plug and play).

  8. 3 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    Good, that's step 0, what's step 1?


    Banning people from social media would solve a portion of this... sort of. You can just make more accounts. But even if you had an effective, 100% ban, the death threats that really get to people are the more serious shit, likely what this guy got. 20 years ago he wasn't getting harassed via Twitter or Facebook. He was likely getting death threat calls and physical mail. Possibly people showing up at his house.


    You will never stop all crazy people. The idea that that's a defeatist attitude is silly. Obviously you can curb it to an extent, but I consider it highly irresponsible for anyone letting another star in a gig like this where you're going to be featured very prominently to not prep and train the person in question on how people can be fucking lunatics.


    That's not "it's the victim's fault" -- that's a bullshit, dismissive argument. There's the way the world should be, and the way the world is. You can be aware of how the world should be, but you should still live your life based on how the world is. Because all the justice and after-the-fact handling of any situation can't undo what actually happens. We can't un-kill people. So black people train their kids on how to interact with cops, even though they shouldn't have to. Parents teach their daughters to be careful what they wear in certain areas and where to avoid at night, even though they shouldn't have to. It's good to want to make reality better, but reality will steamroll you whether you think it should be better or not.


    I mean, I don't literally think this will never cease to be an issue. If we can work on our mental health issues in this nation, if we can make sure people understand respect and how to not be a deranged lunatic, if we can get exceptional protections against this kind of behavior, you could make a real dent in it. But right now? If you're any kind of famous at all, you need to learn how to deal with it or you could end up actually killing yourself rather than almost doing it like this guy did. Although I think specifically agencies/individual agents should always be keeping their clients informed. Studios, too. I can see this easily blindsiding people like Ahmed here. 

    Of course it would be wonderful if he never had to deal with that. No sane person thinks harassment or threats to people is some kind of acceptable behavior. But I'd rather have these people prepped for reality than living in an ideal world that doesn't yet exist.


    Maybe we should strip away more of the anonymity the internet provides? There definitely should be harsher punishments for bullying and people being abusive in general. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    The expectation shouldn't be death threats. Obviously. But that's how it is. That's how it has been, and that's how it's going to continue to be. It's not that he should just "suck it up," it's that someone should've prepped him that this is exactly the kind of bullshit you can expect in the industry.


    Unless someone has a good fucking plan to deal with anonymous crazy people.


    If you say so. Again, if anyone ever comes up with a fucking solution, lemme know. You're not going to talk sense into crazy people, and crazy people are the ones who are obsessed enough to give death threats most of the time. Ergo, this is an expected part of the business and no amount of "It shouldn't be like this!" is going to fucking fix it.


    Well a start would be not having a defeatist attitude because that is part of the problem.

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