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Guillotine Operator
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Posts posted by Jason

  1. 14 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

    "AI" checkout was actually powered by 1,000 human video reviewers in India.

    While the concept was that AI would track which items were purchased , "Walk Out required about 700 human reviews per 1,000 sales".  In essence, purchases were mostly tracked by workers watching you on cameras in India.


    It wasn't a mechanical Turk situation, they were using a lot of human training. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:

    The lever mechanism should stay on. I haven't personally done an AM5 build, but as long as you lined the CPU correctly into the socket you should be good to go. The CPU does need that tension to create good contact with the pins in the motherboard.


    Okay cool, pushing through it was fine, it just felt like an unnerving amount of pressure required initially.

  3. On 3/29/2024 at 8:07 AM, cusideabelincoln said:


    Ah, no they aren't universal. They can be, but a lot of coolers require you to take it off. Then they have you screw new brackets into the backplate, and those new motherboard brackets attach to the adapter brackets on the heatsink. I guess bracket isn't a very precise term here, but some require this method:




    Trying to follow this video and I'm a bit confused about what to do with this:





    Seems like forcing the lever thing closed would crack the CPU so do I just ditch this and the metal backpiece in the second pic and then it's just the cooler that keeps the CPU secured to the motherboard? Or do you really just keep going even when it feels like you're putting too much pressure on the CPU?


    cc @Spork3245 @AbsolutSurgen

  4. Florida Supreme Court allows one of nation’s strictest abortion bans to take effect




    Florida’s conservative Supreme Court ruled Monday that the state’s constitution does not protect abortion rights, allowing one of the country’s strictest and most far-reaching abortion bans to take effect in 30 days.


    But in a separate decision, the high court also ruled that an amendment to enshrine abortion rights in the state’s constitution can go on the November ballot, for a vote that could potentially undo the new strict abortion ban in a matter of month. 


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