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Posts posted by dualhunter

  1. 13 minutes ago, Jason said:

    "Just use reusable bags" had always struck me as a very suburban car-centric mindset. It's not a big deal to keep your reusable bags in your trunk if you're always getting around by car anyhow, but not so much if you primarily get around by walking. It also makes it a big hassle if you're visiting another city and need to buy stuff, easy to wind up in a situation where you have to buy the reusable bag and then wind up leaving it behind. 


    Yeah, I have to plan ahead and stuff my pockets if I plan on going shopping. Meanwhile, people with cars often forget to put the bags back into their car so they have to buy more and end up with more than they know what to do with. That's how I got my bags for free.

  2. I often regret RPG maker games because it can be such a pain to get the controls to be serviceable. Best bet is to use an Xbox controller (more buttons seem to work than the Switch Pro controller) and look up a recommended button mapping. I enjoyed it overall but the board game minigame ruined the pacing a bit and I could be bothered with post game boss fights.

  3. Sea of Stars

    Portal: Revolution

    The Talos Principle II

    We Love Katamari REROLL + Royal Reverie


    The Mummy Demastered

    This Way Madness Lies

    Dino Hazard: Chronos Blackout

    Star Ocean

    ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove


  4. Finished Star Ocean. Back in the day I saw it in gaming magazine and it looked awesome (that and Tales of Phantasia, played the GBA version of that years ago). Years ago I briefly tried it but found the first battle hard. Turns out the problem was I tried to move around. Moving the cursor with the d-pad is too slow. If you just keep attacking it's easier. It's mostly easy, when it's hard it's because it's cheap. In the hardest post game battle, it was really tough because the enemies spammed attacks and I never got a chance to hit back. Once I finally manage to hit them it was easy. Overall I enjoyed it despite some annoyances.

  5. 44 minutes ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

    Was never a sub when I was a kid but I'd hit up the local grocery store and grab a GamePro or an EGM whenever I had the chance. I had always wanted a Nintendo Power but never subscribed. My buddy on the bus had a sub though so I'd read his.


    I seem to remember there was a merger at one point.. I think it was EGM that bought out some other mag but I can't remember what it was. I also remember in the mid-90's those magazines were pushing 200 pages each. You could roll one up and kill somebody with it.


    Also, I'm old... so if any of this sounds weird to you, it's because it was before your time.


    EGM had EGM 2 for a while. I guess EGM 2 was a safer name than EGBM.

  6. 14 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    FFVI is my favorite JRPG. I appreciate that it's not paced as well or has characters as interesting as Chrono Trigger, it's probably not as much of a leap forward for the genre or series as FFIV was, and its impact is a ripple next to FFVII's splash. But it came out at the right time in my life for me to go absolutely apeshit over it and the nostalgia is undefeated. I have a lot of early internet memories tied to it as well, it came out when the transition away from BBS to modern websites was in full swing and there was a lot of fansite bullshit out there on places like Geocities that had nonsense like how to get General Leo in your party that didn't work and required a shitload of effort.


    Obviously I'd play a remake, but I love the game as it is, warts and all, and I think it kind of stinks that in versions like the Pixel Remaster, the Sketch glitch is fixed. Is it better that your save can't get totally corrupted? Of course, but I like an inventory with 500+ Excaliburs for Shadow to throw like they're ninja stars and for everyone to dual wield Atma Weapons.


    There was a set of Game Genie codes that changed the drops so you'd get all sorts of good stuff including Marvel Shoes, Atma Weapons, Ragnaroks and Illuminas. They'd drop through out the game so you'd have them early on. Atma is weak with low HP and the other 2 swords drain MP so it can be worth using something else like Excalibur early on (though if Edgar and Locke haven't learned magic yet, there's no sense worrying about MP), but Illumina one shots the early bosses even at low level and even when it doesn't trigger Pearl.

  7. 3 hours ago, best3444 said:

    I'll check psn for this and maybe try it out. Is there mini games in this?


    Sort of. There is the coliseum that except for 1 fight to get a character back into your party is completely optional. Other than that I suppose you could argue that a few things that happen once or twice are mini games.


    There are 2 spots where you control multiple parties with multiple advancing enemy parties and a stationary boss. They're both mandatory but not difficult.


    For the opera scene you have to select the right text at number of points. You're supposed to read a book for the correct lines before hand but you can always look up the correct lines and keep them handy either on paper or your phone, just don't take too long picking an option.


    There's a "fishing mini game" where you walk up to fish along the shore, grab at least one and bring it to an NPC. It's mandatory and has an effect on the NPC but it's just at one point. You'll be making multiple trips bringing fish but once it's done, it's not repeatable. Whether you get the good or bad scene doesn't matter for the rest of the game so go ahead and keep bring fish and just YouTube the other outcome if you don't feel like trying for both (either save before hand or on different play throughs of the whole game).


    Besides that there are a few sequences that are different than most of the game such as the serpent trench that could be loosely considered minigames if you stretch it. Don't bother trying to figure out the correct time for the clock in Zozo by talking to NPCs, just look it up online. I suppose you could consider the auction house a mini game but it's more like a store that wastes your time.



    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    I think the Switch version is considered the best one since it fixed the crappy text. If the steam version fixed the text I'd probably go that route.


    From the second last patch:



    A “Font type” option has been added to the config screen. This allows you to select between the “modern” font made for this version of the game or the “classic” font in the style of the original game.


    Looking at some of the other patch notes, they've changed some of the Esper level up bonuses, the most interesting being speed bonuses. Odin gives +2 to speed instead of +1 but Raiden now gives +2 to speed instead of +2 to strength so you can get Raiden right away without losing the option to boost speed. A couple Espers that didn't have bonuses now do (for another +1 to speed and to replace the +2 to strength that Raiden lost). I still don't see anything about getting to keep items stolen from the last boss like in the GBA version unfortunately.

  9. Islets on EGS




    Here's what I had to say about it when I played it last year:


    Great Metroidvania. If you liked Hollow Knight but found it too long, Islets is much shorter. Some of the bosses are fought in your airship and are a bit bullet hell but most of the game is melee Metroidvania though you also have some ranged attacks. You can find 60 upgrade items that let you choose between 3 options to upgrade and it looks like it's not set. I only got 4 out of 5 arrow speed upgrades because of this but there's no achievement for getting all 5 and I mainly use melee attacks anyway. Had I known how it works I might have avoided the ones that give cash but then I used that cash for more melee upgrades from the shop and those upgrades seem to be unlimited though they get more expensive each time you buy one.


  10. On 3/22/2024 at 4:38 PM, crispy4000 said:




    Time Spent: 45 minutes

    Rating: ***


    Relaxed 2d metroidvania.  There's something lulling about the character's relatively slow movement and jump animations.  Once you get into a rhythm with it, its enjoyable.  It's low stakes compared to the other NES-inspired indies I've looked at, which I can also appreciate.  Not everything needs to kill you all the time.  Frequent checkpoints are also nice.  There's still nothing here you haven't seen before, but the puzzle focus elevates it.


    There's an actual NES version of the game too (that you can play on NES emulator). The sequel is even better, though if you play the pacifist mode back up your saves.

    • Halal 1
  11. 1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:




    Time Spent: 45 minutes

    Rating: ****


    It feels so good to play, and isn't frustrating in the way that the games that inspired it are.  The art is wonderful, arguably better than Shovel Knight's look.  Gaining mid-air jumps back by hitting things is a really good idea, I'm a sucker for this sort of canceling shenanigans.  This will definitely be one I return to, so it gets the full 4 stars.



    I really liked it. Maybe it was just because of the gap between finishing it twice and the release of the DLC but I hated the DLC and never finished it.

    • Halal 1
  12. I don't like being rushed and I wouldn't want to abandon a run because I was running behind. I've only played the 2 and 3 remakes. My initial runs I got low scores cause I took my time and saved a lot. Because 3 was short I gave it another go a few months later. You're not penalized in 3 for using the rocket launcher and the splash damage doesn't hurt you so I was able to finish quickly and play again increasing difficulty each time. I stopped after finishing the second highest difficulty because it didn't seem worth the trouble to do the hardest.

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