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Everything posted by Air_Delivery

  1. At the minimum it shows the country one more time where Republicans stand in the simplest and clearest terms ever.
  2. Years ago I was a computer tech at an elementary school. I know her type intimately. She is the type where I'd have to give a page of step by step instructions on how to use MS Word and get pissed at me because she'd still fuck it up.
  3. There is much competition but I'm convinced she is the dumbest in this administration. Even dumber than "I'm" Eric Trump.
  4. Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz are competing in the weasel Olympics and its neck and neck.
  5. Use a java script switcher or incognito mode. Also delete the ?outputtype=amp if you aren't on mobile.
  6. I mean not like you needed to be a genius this year. I just had emergency cash on hand and put it all in the market when it was crashing. My "smartest" move was probably investing in Cloudflare in Aug/Sept.
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