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Gavin King

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Posts posted by Gavin King

  1. 22 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    DO gig economy jobs coun t towards these numbers? I personally only know ONE person who isn't working at the moment but this is also a person in his 40's who to my knowledge has NEVER had a job.

    Your friend wouldn't even count, they have to be currently actively looking for a job to count.


    I would think gig employees work the same. I don't believe they count at all, but if they're not actively looking work, they for sure wouldn't count.

  2. Watched the first couple of episodes. It's interesting. Not sure I'd say good, but it's definitely not bad. Just a very unique story so far. I kind of keep wanting them to do less Shakespeare and more how the main female character survive the initial days of the pandemic.


    I'll keep watching curious where they go with it. 

  3. Not sure what to think really. It definitely wasn't great, but I wouldn't go so far as to say bad. 


    It very much felt like a first draft. Some interesting ideas and thoughts, but nothing really carried too much weight or felt fully fleshed out. Ultimately don't think anything would be able to come close to capturing the magic of the first one, but that's a pretty high bar. Not even sure if this is better than 2 or 3... kind of in the same ball park, but do think maybe worse as other's have said, 2 and 3 at least had very memorable moments/scenes. Just watched last night, and couldn't tell you the most memorable scene or moment.... probably "oh, Neil Patrick Harris is in this one."


    If you enjoyed any of the other Matrix movies, worth checking out, but it kind of feels like this is a forgettable film. 

  4. Binged the whole thing over the last few days, loved it. Made me pick up my guitar at one the morning last night and go play some old Beatles songs.


    For Beatles fans, this was an amazing experience to sit in with these four guys and be with them at the end and watch their process and interactions.


    Can totally see how some would be bored by hearing 'Get Back's for the 20th time, but I thought it was riveting. 

    • Like 1
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  5. DS9 is probably the best. TNG can kind of tie but mainly because it was the first one (for me).


    Voyager is alright, agree with your thoughts. Has some solid episode some of the characters are good times, but overall it's average.


    Not a popular opinion, but I actually kind of dog Enterprise. Discovery I have mix feelings on, Lower Decks is so weird, but just works and is awesome. Picard is solid, curious to see where they go with it.


    TOS is a classic, but you got to be in the right mood. Rarely put it on when I'm in the mood for Star Trek.

  6. 10 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

    I make $80k in tech (in K12, some simple database and scripting stuff, plus administering some software for our payroll/HR systems, etc), and I know I could get a job making 50% more elsewhere...but I also really, really love my job, and the team that I work with. I also love working in a sector that is not profit-focused. My base pay increases by about 5% per year for 7 years for my position (then caps). Then it also increases each year by whatever amount the teacher's union negotiated. So the current contract is 0-2-2, and we're in the second year. So this year I effectively get a 7% raise. Theoretically after 7 years in this position (I'm in year 2) I will only get the teacher cost of living increases. But I will also be making >$100k in a low cost of living city, so pretty fortunate. Also the second main reason I love my team is that I get 100% retirement match up to 7.5% of gross pay (meaning 15% of gross pay invested monthly, on top of my own retirement investments). If I were 20 I might consider taking a contract web developer job or something and make some cash...but being 37 with a wife with chronic health issues and a mortgage to pay, that retirement match is very, very valuable. Plus as long as I'm not an idiot, my job is guaranteed. It's not like education as a sector is going away, or running the risk of failing as a business.


    Can't put a price on happiness. There's probably always a 'offer I can't refuse' level but honestly, if I was happy with my company/job now, I wouldn't leave for just a bump. I make good money, have good benefits, if the job wasn't stressful and didn't have me concerned for my mental health, I wouldn't probably have even been looking elsewhere. To hopefully get in a better place and more money is a win-win.... But I'd totally take a lateral financially if it was a better environment.


    Once you're into your career enough and doing well, it does become less about the money and more about what kind of work you do, stress level, your team, etc... Money is still nice, don't get me wrong.

  7. In the process of leaving my job, just hit my 5 years. Team and people are great, leadership at top and direction, not so much. Used to be great place to work, last 2 years have been grind. 


    Job offer I just accepted pays $30k more. Knew I could make more, didn't think I could make that much more. The market is really hot. Even if you're unsure, do yourself a favor and take a look, just get the information. Heck even take it to your boss and say you don't want to leave, but I got an offer that is too big of a gap to say no to, help close the gap so I can say no and stay. Only do this if you are willing to leave incase they stonewall you, usually unlikely.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I believe George Lucas has admitted as much that he was among many other things inspired by Dune in some ways.


    Yes, Star Wars pretty much  ripped off Dune, Dune came first.


    Bene Gesserit = Jedi's 

    The Voice = The Force 

    Freman = Rebels/Sand People

    Rugged Sci-Fi theme 

    Arrakis Desert Planet = Tatooine 

    Paul/Luke = young chosen one/Hero's journey 

    Both have manipulating Emperors 

    Sand worms = kryat dragon (was nod to dune)


    Though agree, completely different stories, but Star Wars did 'borrow' a lot of ideas from Dune.













  9. Watched last night... I think it's a compliment when you say the only bad thing is it ended and I want part II now. I hope it does well and we get to see it someday.


    Makes me want to go back to the scifi mini series and rewatch.


    It's beautiful to watch, all the actors are great and communicate more than they say. I could see the Masses not enjoying, it's not at the same pace as modern movies, but for an old Dune fan, I loved it.

  10. 3 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

    Stories like these just boggle my mind.  So much wasted time and effort. I understand some residents or the association may not want to see old crappy shoes laying out in the hall. A simple fix could be requiring the guy to pay for some sort of small metal box/cabinet that he could store his shoes in outside his door. It would be out of sight. He's got a medical excuse. 

    They have decided its a better option to turn this situation into a years long legal battle at the cost of all of the other tenants in the building...

    My thought exactly, get the guy a shoe cubby, wtf!?

  11. My company delayed our 1-2 days a week in office from original 7/1, to 8/1, to 9/7, to now likely not until 1/1 (i.e. could be even longer) and will now require vaccinations in order to be on-site.


    CEO mentioned federal response and other companies for reasoning. Glad they're doing it, but one negative is that it could actually encourage people to not vaccinate so they can continue working from home.

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