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Posts posted by Derek

  1. A Harvard study from awhile back said that 20% of men do, but I feel that number has to be a lot lower. Just seems like a lot more hassle trying to put your package through two layers of clothing, just to pee (assuming you sleep with underwear). Also, seems like a higher chance of getting pee on you. 


    I guess it can add something in a sexual scenario, but to pee through? I say nah.

  2. Echoing sentiments, this is all very sad. I know I'm going to look at my newsfeed and, eventually, see that something has happened to Zelensky. 


    It reminds me of 300. The underdogs stalling a massive invasion with bravado and determination, but ultimately getting overwhelmed. It makes me sick to my stomach.

    • Sad 1
  3. I'm sure not many are playing this, but I finished it last night. It's punishing. No saves or checkpoints inside dungeons. A lot of instant death platforming. You eventually get a couple of lives, which helps. And the boss battles aren't super hard once your character has a little meat to him.


    Spoilers on the final dungeon:



    Fuck! You have to go through and collect 3 keys, along with fighting every boss from every other dungeon. I had to have attempted this over a dozen times. The payoff was interesting. The final boss is a big dragon with googly eyes and huge nips.


    It's finished. Almost went to 'casual mode' a few times, but did not. It was fun, but I don't plan to revisit it. Although, they do seem to have a lot of bonus content/characters.  

  4. 37 minutes ago, silentbob said:

    don’t they do this because of sound? I haven’t seen either but the creatures are attracted by sound. Hard rubber soles on gravel too loud and socks could snag on something and bring trouble their way. They said that is also why the store shelves are filled with untouched chip bags because they’d be too loud to handle/eat


    Yeah, but socks or slippers would be much better. Plus, Murphys character walks around in like work boots the entire time lol.


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