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Posts posted by ThreePi

  1. 22 minutes ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

    not uncommon for kids to live two lives. One at school with their friends or at their friend’s house, and another when at home around their parents. Sometimes the home situation isn’t as understanding as teachers and friends. 


    I mean, it's one thing to have a different personality at home versus at school. But like, what name do you put on a report card? How do you expect teachers refer to the student at parent-teacher conferences?

  2. I honestly don't even know what a WarCraft IV would even look like at this point if they tried it. Blizzard games have such a problem where they start off with a really simple, tight, story. OG WarCraft was fucking Orcs, and fucking Humans, it was right there in the name. But all they know how to do is just make everything constantly escalate, constantly add a newer, bigger, greater threat to the point where the story of modern WoW is almost unrecognizable next to original WarCraft. Diablo was kind of the same way. Started off as just a dude going down through the floors of a church till ya got to Hell and killed ole man himself. StarCraft, by nature of being a intergalactic space war obviously starts out big in scope, so its not that big a deal, but I just don't know if I trust Blizzard's narrative chops these days.

  3. I also partook in the 4TB WD SSD deal. When I bought a 4080 I lost access to the second PCIe slot that I was using for a third NVME drive.


    I'm also looking for a new microwave. Kinda looking at those combination convection microwaves so I can ditch my old toaster oven as well, but not sure if they're worth it.

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