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Posts posted by SoberChef

  1. Whichever team wins between K.C. & Indy I want to go all the way! Mahomes has been superb all season and it's been a pleasure watching so many of his games, true freaking talent. As for the Colts, I wrote them off and then they just came on hot and heavy in the final 1/3 of the season and nobody could do a damn thing to stop them! Going to be a hell of a great game!

  2. Yeah after that first 20-30 minutes the color change is, to me at least, what people must have thought and felt the first time watching "Wizard of Oz" in theaters 80 years ago! The fact that Jackson & company had what, over a 1000 hours of footage and 600 hours of audio to piece together to trim to a 90 minute film showcasing a sort of "Basic experience of your British soldier during WWI" is astonishing. Seeing the 30 minute behind the scenes after (where most in the theater I went to in upstate NY also stuck around for) was fantastic. All the attention and love put into it...truly artistic.

  3. Wait a sec, NO ONE has posted on here in over a week!? Does NO ONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!? In case you hadn't already been spoiled by the leak a few weeks ago, log in, grind out some Blind Well and go see the Queen NOW!


    Then after that, I present to you the following Byf video as a sort of catharsis to process...









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