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Posts posted by Xbob42

  1. Just now, SFLUFAN said:

    Do you honestly expect him to say otherwise?  No reasonably competent CEO would ever/should ever admit to allowing a braying mob to influence their decision making.

    Well, that and I think it's impossible to extract one from the other. The two issues are intertwined pretty deeply. She said something inflammatory, and people were inflamed. Maybe if no one had commented on it at all she might've gotten away with it? But I dunno, calling your customers rando asshats for being polite and offering suggestions just isn't championing any cause any reasonable CEO would want to be a part of.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Paperclyp said:

    So if she is telling the truth and was never warned about her conduct on social media, I understand the argument that firing her was a step too far, and I understand the potential message this sends to the twitter mob - hey we can get people fired. 

    The CEO actually replied concerning that very subject.



    I'm sure the direct quote is out there, but I saw it in that video. Basically the decision was made as they saw it happening, but they were out of the office for the 4th of July and couldn't take action until the next day. He makes it very clear that angry users had nothing to do with it. Jessica herself is the one who got Jessica fired.

  3. 1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:


    Yeah, it’s not like there isn’t an easily verifiable problem with a dedicated group of people specifically targeting women in game development or anything...  Must just be one uppity broad.

    His entire point was that she's crying wolf. You know what that phrase means, right? If you're calling for sexism where none exists, you're actively muddying up the power of calling out sexism. You're making it meaningless. You're making sure less and less people take sexism seriously. She is the one who is giving actual sexism power with this stupid bullshit. She said something stupid, obnoxious and unprofessional, and paid the price. That's a good life lesson, not fucking sexism.

  4. 1 hour ago, legend said:


    Just because its Metroidvania doesn't mean they can't try to add other elements into it.


    Multiplayer is certainly where this kind of stuff is more important, but it could make the game more replayable if done well, especially for the speed run folk. It could also be done poorly and not matter :p 

    As a matter of concern, I wonder how they could effectively pull this off without muddying up and slowing down the game with a bunch of minute choices. Am I going to be spending a long time in stat windows, trying to deduce the best build? If it's too simple, then "builds" likely won't have enough nuance to matter for high-end players, if it's too complex, it'll be a slog that most players will want to ignore. Again, with this particular genre you're not gonna be in the world for 200+ hours like in Diablo 2 (and that's on the light side) -- you're gonna be in for your standard 15-40 hour affair, and 40 is usually pushing it. And Metroidvania style combat is usually pretty simplistic, so stat choices for simple combat seems like they'd have to likewise be simplistic.


    I'm mostly just viewing this mentally as the first game but with enhanced systems, and I'm not able to find the sweet spot in my head. Obviously I'm not a team of talented designers, so maybe I'm just not creative enough to see it, but I've become more and more skeptical of changes of this nature without a clear outline of how they're beneficial to the game as a whole. It almost comes across as checkbox marking.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Brick said:


    OK phew. I read the system requirements wrong then. 

    Yeah, that's just the frame rate you can expect with that exact system on those settings.


    In case anyone has any doubts:




    I hope that you can change it from 60 to whatever arbitrary Hz your monitor supports as well as unlimited, like with other Capcom titles. It's just easiest all around when you support arbitrary frame rates and resolutions. Then you don't have to do any weird updates or reissues at later dates, because the game can already deal with better hardware.


    Anyway, graphical parity in this case probably means "it'll have the same assets" not "it'll look identical." The frame rate difference alone with be absolutely monumental because this game runs like shit on consoles. Higher resolution without checkerboarding will also make a huge difference. I expect their answer was one that assumed people were asking for like new physics or lighting or something.

  6. I didn't realize breast-feeding advocates were apparently tied directly to anti-formula people? I think any sane person is for breastfeeding, but when I think "breastfeeding advocate" I think of someone who is protecting women's rights to breastfeed in public without dipshits causing a scene about it. Now I'm a little confused on what this is all actually about. Formula is totally fine, too.

  7. 17 minutes ago, legend said:


    So, you're not a fan of Diablo 2?

    No. I'm not a fan of Diablo at all. Stat upgrades are the least interesting form of progression I can imagine. (I know Diablo has plenty of actually-interesting upgrades, I just don't like the gameplay.) It still carries some satisfaction if the piece looks really cool, but the most exciting pieces of gear or upgrades in any game for me will always be traversal changes. Like the upgrade in Axiom Verge that allows you to phase through walls.


    It completely changes how you look at the every area in the game. In that sense, the "light bulb" explanation above I agree with very much. I hope Ori isn't full of super obvious "here's some weird bulb floating in the air leading to an area you can't reach" level design. It's a small thing, but suspecting that you can get somewhere else is way more exciting than 100% knowing for sure. Or having a simple, hard-to-notice thing like the spacing of walls be a certain distance like with the Axiom Verge example.


    The more it really is a light bulb moment, the more exciting and memorable it becomes. Whereas +2 to diddling feels like they were obligated to put something there.

  8. Eh, shards that "do extra damage" are the most boring kinds of upgrades. The perfect Metroidvania for me wouldn't have you wasting any time with boring shit like +5 missiles or +2 damage. Every single item you found would change the gameplay in a meaningful way, give you new options in both combat and exploration. The rest sounds interesting, but boring upgrades have become more and more tedious as I've played more and more games.

  9. Talk about creating a narrative.



    I also hope I'm not the only one here to see the irony in the exact same people demanding a woman be fired for being a dick probably had zero problems with the things TB said to make people upset with him and probably told those people to get over it.

    "There's probably a couple dudes who cross over on these two subjects like I'm assuming, so I'll base my entire argument on it"


    And I don't think anyone's taking any extra steps on anything. She publicly lauded the death of a man while accusing him of abusing people, while later abusing totally innocent people because she's the fucking goddamn narrative writer and she knows story better than any of you rando fucking dipshit plebes. I'm sure celebrating the death of a man who had just died of cancer got her nothing but thumbs up from her company. I see a clear pattern of her using current social norms to talk shit and be a cunt. And now it bit her in the ass. Oh well. 


    And if you don't think using your platform to directly quote someone who was CLEARLY giving their opinion while calling them a "rando asshat" and then making it about you being a woman that's getting pushed around is a method of basically directing a mob to harass someone, you're either a fucking dipshit or an ignoramus. She publicly derided this guy for absolutely no reason, clearly intending to get those that follow and respect her to blast this guy for... what, again? Absolutely nothing? Why is anyone defending this? WHAT IS THERE TO DEFEND? Did some of you not actually read the entire Twitter exchange? This woman went off the deep end and just didn't stop. It was absurd and embarrassing to read.

  10. "I can't write an interesting MMO character!"


    "I respectfully disagree, and here's a few reasons why."




    The entirety of this Twitter exchange.

    It's really bizarre, too, since I think Guild Wars 2 already has fairly interesting MMO characters, definitely far-and-away above the rest of the industry. My little mouse man is a sassy fuck with his own opinions and engages in plenty of conversations. (All Guild Wars 2 main characters are fully voiced and are not silent protagonists at all. And it's awesome.) I've never really considered him a blank slate at all. You also make plenty of choices in Guild Wars 2 that influence multiple things, including which NPCs follow you in your adventures later on. Choices I made in 2012 are still felt today in terms of that, at least. I dunno how deep it goes, but I disagree with this woman's presumptions entirely based on even the launch game.


    I think what happened here is this lady probably has a bit of a victim complex, maybe justified, maybe not, I have no idea, as I'm sure she gets plenty of shit, but she took it out the completely wrong way on the completely wrong person for the completely wrong reason. And then she kept fucking going. His "criticism" was a very mild-mannered, totally inoffensive disagreement after thanking her for her insight. Then she pulls the "I'm the ARTISTE, you goddamn plebe!" card because she's "been in the industry for 10 years" and it comes off as a child throwing an utterly ridiculous tantrum.


    I dunno what set her off, but I imagine it wasn't actually that guy's tweet. If it was, then she might have bigger issues to deal with. You can't redirect your anger of toxicity and whatnot on completely innocent people. That just makes you the toxic asshole.

    • Like 1
  11. This was harder to tell if it actually looked good during E3 due to streaming artifacts, but it really looks damn pretty. I'm a huge sucker for swaying and responsive foliage, especially the light behind the leaves as the fire arrow passes behind it. Love that stuff.


    The game itself... doesn't really look like something I'd care for much, but maybe I'll pick it up anyway. Although I have a feeling that prettiness will be toned down greatly on my PS4 Amateur.

  12. 3 hours ago, Biggie said:

    Honestly no. But it’s really not worth $60 just for the multiplayer side either. 



    It's a good game, but this is no Rocket League, and that shit was free for some and $20 for others at launch. This at $60 is madness. Maybe if it had a really expansive single or multiplayer, but both are pretty simple. The core gameplay's really good... but yo, so was Rocket League. If you're looking for single-player, look elsewhere.

  13. 22 hours ago, DPCyric said:


    Well a start would be not having a defeatist attitude because that is part of the problem.

    Good, that's step 0, what's step 1?


    Banning people from social media would solve a portion of this... sort of. You can just make more accounts. But even if you had an effective, 100% ban, the death threats that really get to people are the more serious shit, likely what this guy got. 20 years ago he wasn't getting harassed via Twitter or Facebook. He was likely getting death threat calls and physical mail. Possibly people showing up at his house.


    You will never stop all crazy people. The idea that that's a defeatist attitude is silly. Obviously you can curb it to an extent, but I consider it highly irresponsible for anyone letting another star in a gig like this where you're going to be featured very prominently to not prep and train the person in question on how people can be fucking lunatics.


    That's not "it's the victim's fault" -- that's a bullshit, dismissive argument. There's the way the world should be, and the way the world is. You can be aware of how the world should be, but you should still live your life based on how the world is. Because all the justice and after-the-fact handling of any situation can't undo what actually happens. We can't un-kill people. So black people train their kids on how to interact with cops, even though they shouldn't have to. Parents teach their daughters to be careful what they wear in certain areas and where to avoid at night, even though they shouldn't have to. It's good to want to make reality better, but reality will steamroll you whether you think it should be better or not.


    I mean, I don't literally think this will never cease to be an issue. If we can work on our mental health issues in this nation, if we can make sure people understand respect and how to not be a deranged lunatic, if we can get exceptional protections against this kind of behavior, you could make a real dent in it. But right now? If you're any kind of famous at all, you need to learn how to deal with it or you could end up actually killing yourself rather than almost doing it like this guy did. Although I think specifically agencies/individual agents should always be keeping their clients informed. Studios, too. I can see this easily blindsiding people like Ahmed here. 

    Of course it would be wonderful if he never had to deal with that. No sane person thinks harassment or threats to people is some kind of acceptable behavior. But I'd rather have these people prepped for reality than living in an ideal world that doesn't yet exist.

  14. 34 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

    If you do anything, the expectation shouldn't be death threats. We can't continue to tell people to suck it up and just brush off bad people.

    The expectation shouldn't be death threats. Obviously. But that's how it is. That's how it has been, and that's how it's going to continue to be. It's not that he should just "suck it up," it's that someone should've prepped him that this is exactly the kind of bullshit you can expect in the industry.


    Unless someone has a good fucking plan to deal with anonymous crazy people.


    3 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

    This is goddamned bullshit and you should be ashamed of yourself for writing it.

    If you say so. Again, if anyone ever comes up with a fucking solution, lemme know. You're not going to talk sense into crazy people, and crazy people are the ones who are obsessed enough to give death threats most of the time. Ergo, this is an expected part of the business and no amount of "It shouldn't be like this!" is going to fucking fix it.

  15. 6 hours ago, AndrewDean84 said:

    Just because you dont want it, doesn't mean others don't.  DOOM sold well, according to Bethesda, regardless of what you think is compromised or embarrassing.  The switch community seems to be ok with lesser ports, remasters, indies and Nintendo exclusives. Gamers seem happy and companies supporting Switch are making money. Win win.

    Win-win? Maybe if you don't give a shit about getting new, good games.


    See, most games that are shit, I don't care. Why would I? But here we have an instance of good developers wasting time on shitty ports instead of providing new, meaningful experiences tailored to the platform. This is a win-win for the developers, who port over whatever the fuck they shit out of a compiler and then get praised for it being a "miracle" that it works, but gamers? I guess someone, somewhere out there is theoretically happy with this situation. As a Switch owner, I am not. I think this is bullshit and might set a very distressing trend of crappy ports that everyone praises despite the fact that they're unplayable blurry piles of shit.

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