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Posts posted by Xbob42

  1. I agree that slow-mo is overused, but it can also be pretty "necessary" in a way in games with more grounded settings because most people playing these games use a controller, which is like driving your car by taping your dick to your steering wheel and trying to break dance in your seat. It's just too clunky for it to be fast-paced while not being an arcade game. A lot like the "target everything in slow-mo, release and it kills everyone" feature. It can be done without it, like Doom, but that's an entirely different style and feeling of game.


    That said, it was clearly a power-up that you could choose to not use. And if you're playing with mouse and keyboard, it'd probably just be annoying most of the time anyway unless you're completely overwhelmed. You're basically using an inhaler, so it's not like Max Payne where you're spending every firefight in a slow-mo dive.


    Also, the idea that this is an FPS is weird. It's obvious they plan to have options available in every situation that aren't just shooting things. Half the video was them outright avoiding combat. I agree that the shooting wasn't on par with the greatest FPS titles in the world, but it was a thousand leagues above other first-person RPGs with shooting mechanics. I hope the shooting is further improved and we gets lots more abilities and badass, unique weapons. But the combat isn't really why I'm interested in this game to begin with, ya dig?


    20 hours ago, Bacon said:

    If this game was third person it would be far better.

    If this game had a third-person option (which I predict it might by launch) that'd be nice and options are always, but I don't think it'd be better. Especially if the world is designed in first-person. You already get to see your character in cutscenes, so I'm not worried about that, seeing yourself while walking around could be cool. But third-person shooters are some of my least favorite games with very few exceptions. The reticle ALWAYS gets weird when you get up close on anything and having a big ass character take up 1/3rd of the screen for no reason is just bad. I already get annoyed at gun models that are necessarily large. There are situations where it's useful, like if you're behind cover, but generally it doesn't really offer you enough peripheral vision to make up for the lack of direct vision because of the giant blob blocking your view.

  2. Well, been playing WoW recently. Had a bunch of excess gold, but not enough to buy WoW tokens... until WoW tokens absolutely plummeted in gold value due to the 5 million gold auction house mount. Had enough to get 2 tokens, converted them to Bnet balance and picked up Forsaken. Bnet has this fun little caveat where you need the full balance in store credit to buy something, no partial payments for whatever dumbass reason unlike every other service on the planet. They do allow you to add custom amounts of currency, but it can have up to a 3 day waiting period. Just a lot of weird fucking hoops to jump through. Luckily the balance went through in like 10 minutes so I essentially got Forsaken for about $10.


    If I hadn't made the mistake of buying the first expansion pass, I definitely wouldn't be here, though. Requiring that aborted content to play this is yet another huge mistake on Bungie's part that will drive a wedge further into the community. And if this expansion doesn't blow me the fuck away it'll be the last I bother with this game at all. Hell, the only reason I'm back is the Forsaken reveal having them say they're "breaking the game," that one line alone was the biggest draw for me. The game is too buttoned up in the most boring way possible right now. It's just completely uninteresting to do or earn anything. I was trying to catch up by doing the Warmind campaign last night and nearly fell asleep because it was the same exact shit at the same "feel" of power and the same abilities on the same long, tedious timers. Ich. If they really do break the game in fun ways, count me in.

    If they don't, well, maybe I'll rent Destiny 3 in a few years.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    There is almost no instance where doing the cool shit in a shooter game is actually better than sitting back and shooting from a distance, ESPECIALLY on the harder difficulties. 

    Someone clearly hasn't played Titanfall and obviously plays their shooters as boring as possible. I fell asleep reading this shit man! Grow a pair and play the fun way ya bitch!

  4. If you like JRPGs, I highly recommend picking it up. I dunno if this is for a remaster (I hope it is!) but it's a great game. Reviews for the 360 slammed it because of its awful load times and unbelievably bad frame rate, both problems which are so hilariously fixed on PC that there are basically no load times and I was getting 300+ FPS several video cards ago. The combat is a lot of fun and has a ton of variety, and the challenge can go through the roof if you want it -- and it gets more rewarding the harder you decide to make it. The challenge is also natural, based on how many enemies you "pull" into a battle rather than an arbitrary difficulty slider.


    Sadly, I don't think it got re-reviewed much after its Steam launch, so its reputation is permanently stained by that horrendous 360 version.

  5. 4 hours ago, Rev said:

    Except ffxiv runs like a fucking dream imo. I'm just super burnt out on it.

    WoW also runs incredibly well as long as you're not in a city, and even cities just just have a lower framerate, rather than stuttery shit. Of course this can change if you happen to be in a PvP battle with like 3 full raid groups. Things... get ugly.


    Surprisingly, Camelot Unchained runs amazingly well with like 500+ people in active battle. And that's still early.

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