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Posts posted by Xbob42

  1. I wonder how likely it'll be that a significant number of people (enough to surpass the 30% cut they're trying to avoid) will actually go to a website on their phone and give a shit about this?

    I feel like if it's not on the play store, millions of people will assume it just doesn't exist on the platform and not download it at all.


    But I guess they're in a position to find out!

  2. It worked for me, which I'm glad of, because I don't think I'll be buying it.


    I'm not sure if it's the assists or what, but it feels far less arcade-y than it used to. How do I force my guy past the line of scrimmage before the play starts? I used to love running around offsides for a second prior to the snap. Or just randomly tackling someone for no reason. It wasn't beneficial to my play, but it was occasionally entertaining!

    Also all the menus seem gigantic and slow for some reason. Like it was made for people using actual telescopes for lenses in their glasses. Why does the play I'm selecting take up 85% of the screen? What the fuck is with the enormous design??

    I just want a new Blitz.

  3. Brazenly lying and then ignoring your community for so long after launch are very different than just screwing up. No, no one should've sent you or your studio any death threats or bomb threats, and they're assholes for doing so, but let's not pretend you just "didn't like doing interviews." And for someone who didn't like doing interviews, you sure did them non-stop with a huge smile on your face and a pocket full of lies.

    Like, actual lies, constantly, not half-truths.


    Instead of giving up and disappearing off the map, Murray and the studio decided to double down on No Man’s Sky, keep working on it

    They abso-fucking-lutely disappeared off the map. They completely ignored everybody for months.

  4. 1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Why don’t you? It will only be an hour or two and you can choose that character to begin with.

    Because I hate repeating content. I am not the kinda guy that replays most games. It drives me crazy. Probably has to do with it just reminding me of all those years of dying at the end of dungeons in early JRPGs and the despair you feel when you have to replay the entire dungeon. That just carried over to all other games for me when repeating content.

  5. 20 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Try going into the towns bar/tavern and ask the bartender. I think there is a option to hear a story? Or something like that. 

    Gah! Thanks, I just tried that, and it looked like it'd work, but then it said that story was "in progress," as in I'm currently working on it as I just got this character. I'm still really early on but I don't want to have to restart just to play through this character's prologue. Surely there's a way to access it?

  6. I actually got back into it about a month ago. Have really been enjoying myself and picked up Battle for Azeroth. I took a long break, entirely skipping Mists of Pandaria and Warlords or Draenor, and then only doing a little bit of Legion before coming back to finish it. My brain needed all that time to really hit the mental reset. At one point I'd start feeling physically sick just looking at the game because I had burned out on it so incredibly hard.


    But now I'm back at it and it's plenty of fun. I'm really looking forward to the communities feature. Essentially it's just in-game, cross-realm Discord channels. Like a Guild-lite that should make organizing things without leaving the game (as well as having plenty of people to talk to even if your guild isn't online) a hell of a lot more efficient and entertaining.


    While getting the current expansion as part of the sub would be nice, I'd immediately worry about the quality and effort going into each expansion. As it is, they charge you upfront, and you continue paying your sub. If it was ONLY the sub, would they make it ten times as grindy or as RNG based to keep you playing longer? The expansions already get called out a lot if they're lacking in quality or have big content gaps, I could easily see that problem getting so much worse if they weren't getting paid for them and had to rely on people staying eternally subbed. Sure, they like you subbed right now, but it kinda feels like they're not too concerned if you just buy the expansion and play a month or two, it's still a reliable source of income for them.


    As an aside, I remember seeing all those huge WoW sub drop-offs a few years back. I always thought the game was just massively losing popularity, but it looks like the vast majority of those were from Asian territories like China? No doubt the population overall is smaller, but there are still so damned many full population, high pop and medium pop servers. I'm so used to other MMOs that by this point have consolidated into like 3-5 servers total for the entire world.

  7. 4 hours ago, DarkStar189 said:

    I'm guessing they make so much money per month just by keeping the Steam store up and running that they don't have to do anything ever. 

    Correct. And since they're not publicly owned, they don't have to dedicate every possible moment of their company's existence to the impossible goal of infinite growth.

    Sometimes this is good for us consumers, sometimes it's bad. But I think overall they tend to do what they want to do, rather than what anyone tells them to do. I don't want a Valve game made by people who don't want to make it. That sounds much worse than nothing.

    At the same time, it sure would be nice if enough people there wanted to make Half-Life 3 or Portal 3 that it actually got done.

  8. 1 minute ago, Biggie said:

    Calm down I was just bustin your balls. Everyone knows you have extremely high standards when it comes to video games and there is nothing wrong with that. But do me a favor. Try and just enjoy the game for what it is. It’s really fun. Just keep telling yourself it’s not a PC game.  :lol:


    • Haha 1
  9. 13 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    It’s your TV. Git gud scrub. 

    I play on a very nice monitor, so, no, it's not that. It's very much the Switch. But please, tell me how the image quality of this under-powered tablet is secretly really good if you have the right TV.

  10. Pretty sure Square Enix pulled their typical bullshit and had their games at $40 or higher, but most DS games were around $30-35. Also, Mario Kart DS was fun and all but I wouldn't say anybody "missed out," it was just another Mario Kart.


    Anyway, this game looks like ass on my screen. I guess, like with most Switch games, if you sit far enough away you can't notice how blurry (as in low resolution and ugly, not as in "there's a blur effect") everything is -- including text. Sitting far enough away does indeed hide flaws, but also details.


    It's not unbearable or anything, but it's also at 30 FPS for whatever reason, which makes for a bad combination. Why would a turn-based RPG need to run at higher frame rates? It wouldn't, but it sure would look nice if it did! Almost all SNES JRPGs ran at 60, so if they were trying to recapture that, this also should've been 60. It's clearly not taxing the hardware. I speculated in the Discord that it might be because they want to save battery power, but it also might be because no one gives a shit because we're still in the "Oooh, shiny!" phase of the Switch.


    I do wonder if it'd look way better if we had a Switch micro or something. When I see the game in tiny Youtube thumbnails, the art style looks SO much better.




    It's the same issue where you lose detail, but the entire game looks different when the image is that small. I think the art style looks really fucking cool like that. At full size it's just kind of weird and awkward.


    Now I want a Switch micro.

  11. 4 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    That is true for total userbase. I don't see why region would matter, though?

    Because the vast majority of your play time should and will be against people in the same region for latency reasons; save for games where it matters less, like Hearthstone, which ironically I think still might be region softlocked? Like, you can make an account of any region you want, but I think you play with people of that same pool. Maybe? I've never understood Hearthstone's servers.


    Anyway, in the vast majority of vases, region is incredibly important. It's why you see so much bitching from Oceanic players. Their servers have tiny populations and if they play with other regions their pings are fucking abysmal. So, for example, cross-play gives U.S. players a bigger practical userbase than the PS4. Meanwhile, in Japan, it really barely changes anything at all because the Xbox One has sold eight and a half units there.

  12. 4 minutes ago, TomCat said:

    It's alot easier now from what I can tell when doing scripting  but back in the 90's  when I was taking basic programming the help wasnt easily avl back then  We were using Dos Prompts

    I wonder, are veteran coders still doing things the old fashioned way because that's how they learned? I know that's a massive issue in Japanese development, where senior devs would hoard techniques and stuff to stay relevant and not teach newcomers anything, but also wouldn't know modern techniques and I assume that's what lead to a lot of janky ass Steam ports, as one example.

    Seems like keeping your skillset relevant would take some time and effort. Again, just as a guess from someone who has lightly brushed up against this, not actually worked in any dev environment.

  13. The fact that they toss around the idea of 60 FPS becoming some kind of norm next-gen as a realistic possibility that any person should reasonably expect is fucking hilarious. The games are gonna be filled with effects, sub-30 FPS and checkerboarded to shit, and Digital Foundry will keep telling us "it almost looks as good" just like they always do.


    Developers will continue to choose bells and whistles over literally anything else.

  14. 2 hours ago, TomCat said:

    Thats exactly why I went the Hardware  fix route in IT  instead of the Software programmer.   I hated coding to a Tee in school for that simple reason.  100's of line of code to get something done and the simple thing as One letter or number wrong fucks up the whole process.   

    Even in a super basic coding tutorial I did to make a little Breakout clone, you could double click on anything and it would highlight all instances of that term. If you started to type anything, if it matched existing terms, you could just select it from there, which always seemed faster than typing it outright, even for people like me who are quick typists.




    Did they just stop doing this? Were they in a huge rush? I imagine professional programming is a lot different than dinking around just to learn some basics, but I can't imagine not using incredibly helpful tools.

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