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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. Are you really saying that all killers are mentally ill? That is demonstrably false.
  2. NAFTA is a terrible name. Horrible. No originality. We’re calling it the US-Mexico Trade Agreement. Much better. Strong. Good.
  3. Well I’m guessing that was indeed his Twitter, because the account has been suspended.
  4. Has there been any analysis of his voting over the years to see if that’s more perception or reality?
  5. Forgive my ignorance, and lack of interest in doing a Google search, but what exactly does being a “maverick” mean?
  6. states·man ˈstātsmən/ noun plural noun: statesmen a skilled, experienced, and respected political leader or figure. synonyms: senior politician, respected political figure, elder statesman, political leader, national leader "Franklin was the great statesman of his day"
  7. Can anyone explain the South African land thing to me? I've seen Richard Spencer retweet and other white nationalists, but haven't really dug in to the substance.
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