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Posts posted by Moa

  1. 2 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    I feel like Us had something to say even if it ping ponged between not showing / saying enough and then showing / saying things as loudly or flagrantly as possible.


    I don't think Nope has anything to say... like... at all. It is entirely carried by vibes. Literally everything to do with Stephen Yeun's character could be clipped without anything being lost and the movie would be more cohesive. It's like a Twilight Zone episode where the protagonist doesn't have to learn anything because they're immediately and always right, and also there's a B story that doesn't need to be there.


    But I guess if you're gonna see it, do it in a theater since it looks rad.

    I don’t think every movie needs to be a thinker. This criticism kind of feels like saying “Jaws didn’t have anything to say.” It’s certainly not wrong, but it feels beside the point. 


    There’s also something interesting going on with the way the alien’s eye or whatever telescoped like an old camera lens, but I’m not enough of a film scholar to fully dissect the greater meaning of this. It’s definitely intentional though and goes back to the first shot. 


    • Halal 1
  2. I haven't finished the season but I feel like things have just been all over the place in a way that is not necessarily good. Things are unpredictable, but that's because the show seems to constantly change the rules governing its strange reality. It feels like ten insanely dramatic things happen an episode, and you would be hard pressed to guess which events will actually have consequences and which ones will be completely forgotten with a scene change. The humor has been relegated to lame jokes about Hollywood being out of touch that only an out of touch Hollywooder could think still passes for commentary. It feels like there are absolutely no governing rules about how characters will act and which increasingly absurd event will have any greater meaning to the plot. The show is so fast paced that it can successfully gloss over a city-spanning firefight and a suicide bomber at a garden center, but it becomes increasingly hard to give a shit about the cops closing in on Barry for one murder, when literally 100% of the rest of the population of LA seems to know he's a killer.


    Maybe I should wait until I finish the season to pass judgement, but it's weird falling out of love with a show I had really enjoyed in real time. It's still compelling and fun to watch, but it also feels like it has gotten dumb where previously it had been smart.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Brick said:

    Did you buy The Witch Queen? That's the only campaign that gives you a legendary difficulty. 


    I haven't bought anything, but I am under the impression that the stuff I was doing was Witch Queen content, since she sure seems to come up a lot.


    I also had the game crash while loading out of a campaign level and I no longer have another major quest to follow. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or intended :/

  4. What the fuck is this game?


    I got through the kind of tutorial, talked to all the people at the NPC hub, went to some planet, got confused about where I was supposed to go for my quest, and logged off. When I logged back on the game asked me whether I'd like to play the story mission on normal or legendary. I played through what felt like a whole mission, got some loot, and immediately led into what I think was another mission. I logged off, logged back on later on another planet, was told to do another quest, and here I am. Whenever I log on I'm somewhere I've never been being told to do something I have no context for.


    Also, the map is the most inscrutable thing I've ever seen.


    What am I actually supposed to be doing?

  5. 5 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

    I should try part 2 again, but I really couldn't get into when I tried. I didn't even make it out of the house you start in. I really didn't like the gameplay  but I keep hearing the story is incredible. 

    This was my problem with telltale as well. 

    I think it helps if you put it in the movie/show category in your head rather than the gaming box. 

  6. So I'm finally getting around to playing this and just got through act 1. The characters are charming, the vibe is good, and I'm digging the story.


    Hooooowever, one thing I really like about Life is Strange is that even though some of the characters did dumb things, their actions and reactions were always believable. Even though it would be tremendously dumb to tell your friend who thinks she was drugged and sexually assault to not go to the police because you need "evidence," it's also the kind of thing I can see a naive 18 year old doing (pre#metoo). Act 1 spoiler, what I don't find believable is that a park ranger would have two inexperienced people attempt to rescue a child who is not in any immediate danger across an unstable tree over a ravine. He'd just call search and rescue, go around the ravine and get him from the other side, or have another search party go around the ravine and get him from the other side.


    Also "That's it! Wake's over, everyone out!" is an unintentionally hilarious line.

  7. I think Dark pivoted from doing one thing really well to doing another different thing also really well. 

    This looks cool, the voiceover suggests strong existential/cosmic horror themes, and I think they could do it quite well. I feel like most cosmic horror stuff goes too hard on the tentacles and not hard enough on the dread of being very small in a very large universe. There’s way too much mediocre cosmic horror and not nearly enough good stuff. 

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