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PAX Unplugged 2019


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1 hour ago, Slug said:

Awesome.  Anything in particular you're going to do or just general con goodness?

Just general stuff this year I think. I’ve fallen off the Destiny wagon and we’re carpooling from Boston tight, so I don’t think I’ll be in the Legion tourney this year, sadly. I wanna try Oath by Cole Wehrle, and play Inhuman Conditions again. I’ve never played Fog of Love, either, so I may try to play that.

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Picked up Sabotage and Fog of Love, as well as the Decrypto expansion.


Spent a bunch of time with Frosthaven. The content on preview was essentially more Gloomhaven, which is great.


I'm glad MGS was delayed. Not sure how old the preview content was, but it's clear that if they'd rushed it to hit their original deadline, they'd have needed to house rule/errata a bunch of things. The prototype minis looked good, hope the final ones do the same.

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Got in some fun Magic drafts, including one with Mark Rosewater in my pod; drafted corner with him.  DM'd a great D&D session, played in another.  Played several good minis games.  Simultaneously laughed/raged at Tokyo Highway, found out why everyone loves Potion Explosion, bluffed my way through Overseer.  Spent waaaaaaaaay too much money on new games.  All in all a good con this year.  My only ragret is that I wasn't able to take in any of the panels I wanted to see; games I had scheduled before them ran longer than anticipated and I just didn't make 'em.  Ah well.

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Just now, Kal-El814 said:

Spent a bunch of time with Frosthaven. The content on preview was essentially more Gloomhaven, which is great.

Yeah Frosthaven had a huge presence.  I didn't check it out at all; Gloomhaven intimidates me.  I played it once and it was fun, but there was a bit much to track.  I don't think I'd ever be able to get it to the table if I owned it, even though personally it's right in my wheelhouse.  It's like...my D&D pals would be into it, but if we're getting together we're just going to end up playing D&D and Gloomhaven is too heavy for my other game pals. :/  But damn it was fun the one time..

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59 minutes ago, Slug said:

Yeah Frosthaven had a huge presence.  I didn't check it out at all; Gloomhaven intimidates me.  I played it once and it was fun, but there was a bit much to track.  I don't think I'd ever be able to get it to the table if I owned it, even though personally it's right in my wheelhouse.  It's like...my D&D pals would be into it, but if we're getting together we're just going to end up playing D&D and Gloomhaven is too heavy for my other game pals. :/  But damn it was fun the one time..

Yeah, it's a weird niche.


I will say that after you get into it, and if you can convince yourself / someone else to drop close to a second hundo on the Broken Token insert... setup and teardown are not as bad as you'd think and there isn't a ton of friction. Once you know the "AI" for how mobs work, their turns go lightning fast since you don't have to think / reference rules, you just move them, attack with them if applicable, and that's it. Getting to that point does take a lot of time, though. If you know your crew well enough to think they'd rather do more actual role play than straight up dungeon crawl with some light role play in between scenarios... you probably won't get a lot of mileage out of it.


I did pick it up on Steam recently. While it's still not the full campaign (PvE with some slightly different mechanics and no story or anything)... maybe it'll work for you and some of your online buddies when it finally fully releases as a digital version of the board game proper. If you didn't have to do any real setup, I'd imagine you could probably do most missions in 60-75 minutes unless your crowd likes to go super granular with everything. With the tabletop version it'll normally take us 4 hours a mission or so, but that's because we're bitching about work, cooking / eating dinner, bullshitting, etc.

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