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Posts posted by eggydoo

  1. 22 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    Alrighty, thanks! I really want to give this series a try. I bought 0 on a Steam sale a little while back and I'll start there. I'd like to see the rest of the series come to PC. There's six games, right? Well, I guess 7, counting 0.

    0 is fantastic.  My first Yakuza game I played and it did not disappoint.  

    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Biggie said:

    Man I was selling items to get money and I think I sold my blood droplets. The things that cure dragonrot. Am I fucked?

    Nah you barely use it unless you need to progress in a npc story if you really care for them.

    Lady butterfly has a cheese if you have the nightjar flip move.  I tried it on my 2nd playthrough and only got hit a couple times.

  3. 1 hour ago, Biggie said:

    I’ve taken a break. But I’ll be back. This is by far the most difficult game I’ve played but damn is it fun. Need to step away and then come back fresh. I’m sure I’m just rushing and getting overly frustrated. Game is damn good though. 

    Hirata Estate is completely optional too.  You can go back and do the main path.

  4. Anyone playing this?  Saw it was trending on twitch so decided to give it a watch and found it entertaining.  I never played Chivalry so I do not know how it compares.  Decided to buy it and having a blast.  There are some bugs with gaining xp/gold but noticed if you quit out and go back in, it seems to work again for a bit.



  5. 1 minute ago, Spork3245 said:

    I think the most disappointing thing in this ep that I don’t think ANY of you can defend is clearly HBO’s crazy levels of compression of the video. Like, wtf. It looked terrible even on my OLED with insane amounts of banding throughout any dark scene (so... all of it? :p )


    HBO, get your shit together and offer 4k HDR streaming. I would legit wait a day to watch this that way instead of live on cable. :p 

    Yeah i had to change a bunch of settings on my tv just to make it watchable.  I thought the banding was just my tv but then I saw all the complaints from people with OLEDs.  It will prob look amazing in UHD HDR.

  6. 3 hours ago, Biggie said:

    The drunkard boss. I could prolly beat him if I had the time and some patience. Sekiro isn’t something you can just boot up for a quick go around.  lol

    You can do it, I believe in you.  This guy is laughably easy once you figure out the patterns.  Kinda like old school megaman or any metroidvania boss fight.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Man of Culture said:


    5:30 AM - Wake up, go for a quick jog

    6:00 AM - Put the dogs out, eat breakfast, take a quick shower

    6:45 AM - Boot up Sekiro and kill Owl

    6:55 AM - Upload to YouTube

    7:05 AM - Brag about it on D1P and go to work


    Very nice.  I had such a difficult time with this boss.  I ended up just using mortal blade for every hit since it causes dmg even if he blocks.

  8. this might be dumb but i enjoy some of the stuff in games that you can relate to in real life to have same experience.

    For example in Yakuza 0, when you go to a bar, you get educated on the type of whiskey (that is available in real life) you are drinking.  It actually made me go buy a bottle of a type once.

    Same goes for types of coffee in Persona 5.

  9. 2 hours ago, mikechorney said:

    It could be my fault for doing too much of the side content -- but it was not ALWAYS clear to me which of the side content is truly intended just for grinding.


    The quest menu has it separated what is fluff and what is main story.  The other islands are just mainly side quests, but sometimes I accidentally run into someone you need to assassinate for main story.  I haven't played it in awhile, but will probably jump back soon now that i'm finished with Sekiro.

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