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Posts posted by eggydoo

  1. 18 hours ago, Nokt said:

    They were originally just a little start up offering almost flagship specs for a much cheaper price. They have gotten a lot bigger over the years though, I think Verizon carries their phones now. 

    I have Verizon and checked.  They do not at this time.  Looked it up on Google and looks like there are some compatibility issues with Verizon as well.  I'm the type of person that has to see and feel a phone before I buy it.  Maybe i'll just get that new mid tier Pixel.  My smartphone needs are pretty basic.  I only use my phone to call, text and surf the web when bored.  I do want a better camera on it.

  2. Coworker had a complete different interpretation of Arya horse scene which was pretty deep and he thought this is how it went:


    He told me he was sad to see Arya die

    I went, she didn't die.

    He responds with, she didnt?  I totally thought that she died and the horse was sent by the Faceless God and she was off to go meet him.  (horse is the ferry boat to the afterlife.)


    I was like...oooh that does sound neat, but you're giving the writers way too much credit to come up with something that deep.  :lol:

  3. 14 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    PS4 version has a speed-up. You click the left analog stick, I believe, and you can quickly run through areas or traverse the world map.


    Just remember to click again when you hit a random battle. :p 

    I didn't mind the speed on traversing the world map.  It was just the battle speed made the random encounters feel like it took forever.  I did get up to the part where Sephiroth attacked some beach?  That is all I remember lol.  That time in my life, I rarely played video games and was more into getting laid and getting drunk.  

  4. I'm kinda excited to try this since I was never able to finish FF7 on the PS3 since I came to it late never owning a Playstation in my younger days and I felt this game did not age well at all.  The turn base battles are a slog fest compared to the sprite FF games.  I did see the PS4 version had some sort of speed up button though.  Anyone own the PS4 version?

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