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Posts posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. 32 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

    Im then treated to their diatribe of how they almost enlisted but “I’d punch my drill instructor when he yells at me” nonsense.


    31 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

    But they cant handle me, I would have knocked out the drill sergeant .




    The words of my cousin who is 5ft 6in and 140 pounds

    Impeccable timing, just A+ posting here lmao. 

    let me guess, chin strap facial hair and fucking loves monster energy drinks?

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  2. 1 hour ago, TUFKAK said:

    But enough about the maga chuds.

    Bro I was gonna be a marine bro until I got a job at the Amazon warehouse bro and I shit you not I swear to god bro I was gonna do it bro even after my woke boss fired me after a week for some bullshit like you aren’t supposed to have some skoal in while working bro they never said I couldn’t I was to good for that job anyway bro. Gotta cig?

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  3. 2 hours ago, BloodyHell said:

    Someone has to challenge loving, just to put Thomas on the spot. 

    If Roe and and others aren't safe, lets see if his marriage is legal, or if he and Ginny are retroactively criminals?

    For a variety of reasons I don’t see that challenge happening unless and until the right gets a few more wins from the court. 

    i also wouldn’t rule out gorsuch not going along with it because he can be at least aware of historical injustices (think the insular cases and korematsu) but stupidly blind to current ones. 

  4. Re cost of living its because every single state did the same thing California did and only now are the rest of us catching up. We can look into the future and it’s looking a lot like California unless something major changes! And nimby dems aren’t going to help here, nor will republicans (they’re really the same group with regards to housing)

  5. 8 minutes ago, SuperSpreader said:


    More white women voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016. While yeah it fucking sucks for women, women absolutely had a part in creating this situation. 

    White women are and have been the vanguard of reactionary white supremacy since forever. From before the lies that got Emmett Till lynched to Phyllis Schlafly campaigning against the Equal Rights Amendment to the present day. 

    but writing off all women (or white women in particular) is exactly the same as writing off Florida or Texas because of their reactionaries. 

    But my point is that just because I’m cis white whatever doesn’t mean there’s nothing that won’t affect my life or those whom I care about and that I’d be “just fine” (also pretending that “accessory to an illegal abortion” or other crimes wouldn’t come in place!)

  6. I’m probably wrong in some aspects (was in a weird place last night writing that) but I’ve moved across states before (once with just my truck, some clothes, and my mattress) and I’m not saying it isn’t possible. I can’t say it isn’t possible because I’ve done it. But moving away from friends and family and people you know—actual community and support, not just a dominant culture, this is my distinction— isn’t for everyone especially going blind to a new place. Moving across country is fucking hard!

    I will say that telling allies in shitty places to just move away seems like a dumb as bricks move long term though! Especially from someone who days ago said that people are persuadable! 

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  7. moving can be extremely expensive and more importantly difficult if you don’t have a community in the place you’re moving to. Many migrants and immigrants do have this support or community and this is how a LOT of immigration to the U.S. has worked. China towns, little Italy’s, stuff like that. This type of support is what gives women the ability to get themselves and their children out of absolutely horrific home situations, women’s shelters and an extensive network dedicated to keeping these people safe and hopefully off the streets. It’s how many Black people migrating to northern cities, based on some of their own accounts I have read, were able to move to e.g. Detroit and get a job. 

    White people these days largely don’t have any community, especially outside of a church, let alone community in a new state many miles away that aligns with their values. Maybe someday that could happen, a network to help people moving to good states from shitty ones. But instead of building that network in CA and NY for white southern expats it might be better trying to make the places like Texas where people live better instead.


    Idk though, I don’t live in an unsalvageable shithole, so that’s not my fight. Do whatever makes you feel better like yelling at strangers online or uprooting your whole life and moving across country. 

    besides, it’s not like the right isn’t coming for those values in CA and NY through the federal government.





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