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Posts posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. A lot of “sexual education” at younger ages is not so much for “sexual education “ but for identifying body parts in a medically correct way and explaining consent/appropriate behaviors from adults and other children. Knowing what to call something is very important and should be taught from a very young age. 


    waiting for 5th grade or later for sexual health is also terrible as something like a third or girls have their first period before then. 

    but yeah most of this channel is just FUD about gay and trans people existing or drag shows where they read books to kids

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  2. 23 hours ago, Anathema- said:

    The weirdest thing is how it's 200 years in the past but nothing, literally nothing, seems to have changed. 


    The old gods and the new? How long have the new gods been new? Are there new new gods? 

    potential spoilers for house of dragon (dunno how into the story the show will get) on what still has to happen between this show and the events of the original GoT series:


    the dragonpit (the big domed building in the background of many scenes so far) needs to be destroyed during the dance of dragons and Baelor the Blessed needs to begin construction of the great sept


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