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The def star

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Posts posted by The def star

  1. 6 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    Or they don't have the games I want to play or I already own what they have to offer

    There's currently 376 games on game pass. You're telling me there's isn't a couple on there that you want to play and don't have?


    Either way I'm joshing you. Game Pass is a hell of an offer and hope they eventually have something you want to play.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    Don't you have a master sword or something? I seem to remember something like that.

    Yeah I have an 8 bit version of the master sword on the inside of my left bicept. I have an 8 bit version of a zelda heart on my left wrist. I think I'm done with tattoos though. I have no urge to get more. Could be because now that I'm old I just don't care :lol: When I was younger the plan was to get a sleeve.

  3. 2 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

    Updated yesterday. It's really nice to be able to see what games are in my Quick Resume, and be able to remove them manually. I didn't even realize I had Ori and Spyro Reignited in Quick Resume, two games I had no intention of playing again any time soon. At least now they're not taking up memory.

    I had Skyrim in QR and it's been over a month since I last played it :lol:

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