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Posts posted by Nokt

  1. 3 hours ago, SimpleG said:

    My review on the first 1/2 to 3/4

    Yall gonna disagree with me on probably most of it also I have stayed 100% spoiler free of the game so dont spoil the rest

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    The story is really bland. The first 60-70% of the game is check point to check point because "the princess is in another castle".The side stories made a bigger impact on me then the main.You basically  are just slaughtering wave after wave of fodder to have Ellie do the worst possible interrogations against person of interest so you can  watch her fail miserably.

    Having her show some humanity after the torture scene would have been great if not for the fact I had done far worse to many more before reaching her and I mean way worse, just a minute or so before I blew a leg clean off nameless goon #257 and watched her scream and pull her self around for a good 5-10 seconds before I splattered her brains on the floor. The disconnect is bad.


     Owen and pregnant lady scene was fucking terrible how many times are we gonna  see the someone threaten another with a gun while they slowly walk towards them and then try to wrestle the gun away and then Ellie who has tangled with full grown weapon wielding manics struggle with a pregnant lady. Of course  we get to the "drop the gun" trope but not before we barge thru the door without looking as if thats not caused us trouble before.If these characters were in experienced none of this would be an issue but they are not , these are terminators disguised as young adults


    Now we are playing as Abby and I honestly I dont really care for them I am trying not to rush thru but I assuming this ND idea of trying to have the player sympathize with the "villain" I am surprised we didnt get a pop up after playing fetch with the dog that says " Now dont you feel bad !" It feels very amateurish 





    The puzzles are shit but I prefer it that way I am not trying to find a piece of the tri force . The combat is good but the AI is so fucking bad that it ruins the experience.  Outside of a few scenes I never had to use the gadgets other then Molotovs . The sound mechanic works when the dev wants it to and infected only ever make noise when you see them up until then they sit motionless waiting for a passerby . Schrodinger's Clicker




    I love them and the interactions and honestly could have used a lot more from them.Ellie and Dina make for a interesting team and they banter well. 

    Tommy is a predator , hes a murder machine that honestly could have handled this on his own



    Also fuck pushing open doors that have been blocked, I really think ND was just trolling at the amount of times you have to do this, I know why they do it but for fuck sakes come up something different .



    I wouldn't go as far as bland, but yeah. The first game really progresses naturally where this feels a lot more forced. I'm not a huge fan of the way the story is laid out either, the random jumps around make me feel like its there for shock value, but I feel like had they rearranged it a little bit it would have had a much more lasting impact. I never felt anything positive for Abby. I never got the villain mentality out of my head, no matter what she did. I felt worse for her friends because they actually showed regret/remorse for killing Joel or at the very least letting Abby kill Joel the way she did.


    The first game wasn't really great on puzzles either. I think in general the game does stellar work to refine what the first game did. The AI might be a tad on the easy side, but you have the option to up the difficulty at any moment.

    The character interactions is one of the reasons I grew so attached to the characters in the first game and it really feels like it takes a back seat in this game. I would have loved to see more time with Dina, Jesse, or even Tommy. Running around Bill's town with Ellie and Bill bickering back and forth always gets a couple chuckles out of me.


  2. 15 minutes ago, SoberChef said:

    I'll never understand the how & why of people logging into a site to watch OTHER people play the games they themselves enjoy. JUST PLAY YOUR GAMES PEOPLE!! 

    Its nice background noise

    I'll never put in the time to be as good as pro players / speedrunners

    Some people are genuinely fun to watch because of their personalities

    I only do this rarely, but to watch gameplay of games I'm thinking about buying.

  3. Control

    Metro Exodus

    Star Wars Battlefront 2

    Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Ori and the Will of the Wisps

    The Messenger

    Doom Eternal

    Resident Evil 3

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    Wolfenstein: The New Order

    Super Meat Boy

    Titanfall 2

    Gravity Rush Remastered

    Halo 2 Anniversary - This game on legendary is pure rage inducing. I never remember having as much issues with the game as I did in the recent co-op play through I did with a buddy. I would assume some of it is due to the fact that things like sword canceling aren't as easy to perform, but a few of the parts took us forever to get past. Sure is pretty on PC though and the FOV slider is amazing.


    The Last of Us Part II - I haven't sorted out how I feel about the game yet.

  4. On 6/16/2020 at 7:40 PM, crispy4000 said:


    Oh hell yes.  Been looking forward to trying this one for a while.

    This is definitely going on my wishlist.


    1 hour ago, Moa said:

    Ghostrunner: I played this after Ultrakill, and my reaction was the complete opposite. The aesthetic is cool and I like what the game is trying to do, but where Ultrakill allowed for a ton of player expression this game feels positively on rails. The loop of wall jump, dodge, dash, slash is cool, but there is no meaningful variation in this loop throughout the entire demo.

    I've had this feeling ever since seeing this game. It looks like an absolute treat, but its just a gameplay loop that repeats itself over and over. I'm hoping that they get super crazy with the platforming and enemies as the game progresses.

  5. 20 minutes ago, maddux4163 said:

    I’ve played this game on PS3 ages ago. Beat it. Can’t remember shit. I own the remastered. Played it years ago as well. 


    Should I do a run through this week? My only concern is I’ll be “burnt out” by the time the new game comes Friday and “not in the mood” for another TLOU ? Eh?

    As someone who just played Gravity Rush and immediately tried to go into Gravity Rush 2 I'd probably wait. I was pretty burned out and needed to switch it up.

    If anything just watch a youtube video to refresh your memory on everything that happened.

  6. 1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    I think SOTC and Demon's Souls are very different games with very different feels and mechanics. They already had remastered the PS2 versions to PS3 and it's honestly a pretty easy game to remake. Take away the horrid slowdown, make it look good, no complaints.

    Demon's Souls has a lot more to it than scale monster or run around the countryside and climb.

    Which is where the rest of the ports and remasters come in. Gravity Rush, Titanfall, Uncharted, Metal Gear, they have a decently varied catalogue. I will admit that souls-like games do a certain quirk to them. I could understand being cautiously optimistic about the game.

  7. 59 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    I think that no one is invincible and if they pull it off I'll be impressed. But my biggest worry is that the game won't "feel" like Demon's Souls, like they'll fiddle with the controls or physics or whatever and some people will be thrilled but the purists will be unhappy.

    The biggest complaint to come out of the SotC remake is that it doesn't have this glow/haze layered over the visuals in the game. It really is a stellar remake that holds extremely true to its original counterpart. There is even the classic archaic controller scheme built into the game if you for some reason prefer it. Their company is built around remasters, ports, and remakes with a proven track record. I would imagine to most people that would be great news.


    But thats just the thing purists, they aren't most people. What would be considered insignificant to the majority of the population, like the haze with SotC, becomes a larger issue for them.

    I think in general though its a little too early to jump to any kind of conclusion based on less than 2 minutes of footage.

  8. 16 minutes ago, DarkStar189 said:

    No way I would pay $699 for the console. I could afford it but definitely wouldn't see the value in it. I think $549 is my limit, but even that is pushing it.  I'm guessing $499 for all digital and $549 for disc drive. Sony could afford to sell the console at a loss. They will make up for it with PS+ subscriptions. 

    I don't think I'd bite for anything over $499, $549 is pushing it for me.

  9. 41 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

    My mom used to work 7pm -7am shift for the hospital. She found a good exercise after work helped her fall asleep. 

    I might have to find a gym locally that is open, if there even is any right now, and try this. I suck at falling asleep since moving to a night shift. Melatonin, NyQuil, zzzquil, and whatever other sleep aid only keep me knocked out for 3-4 hours. After that it’s just in and out of sleep until it’s time to go to work again. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    Let's make the game worse for everyone because some people have bad internet. Genius. If you're on a line so shitty you can't keep games updated without a big headache, you shouldn't be playing MMO-style games to begin with, and should solve the problem by demanding more from your ISP or city or whatever. This bandage fix we keep going through of trying to build shit around awful internet instead of addressing the bad internet to begin with is so stupid.

    Because changes to infrastructure happen like that overnight, especially with how notoriously bad ISPs are in the US. I would imagine that a free to play game would try to appeal to as many users as possible. It seems like a valid concern to me, even if this is just a bandaid fix for a larger issue.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    Oh no, not 90-110 GB. Better cut the game in half to save a minuscule amount of hard drive space and to account for Bungie's apparently borked patching process where I guess they're patching completely unrelated shit because that's the engine they built!

    Nah, spin it any way you want. Cutting the content of the game in half is not a good thing. It is a resounding trumpet of the many failures Bungie has had with the Destiny franchise, a swan song of their ineptitude.

    Because downloading 110GB is fun on bad internet.


    I never said it was a good thing, I just provided a more information than what the current conversation was talking about. Though I am happy that Vault of Glass is coming back and I don't really mind that the older content is removed and reintroduced when they see necessary. Mercury is a dreadful planet, Titan is underutilized, Mars was ok merely due to its hive mutations and escalation protocol, Io is really the only one I'll miss.

  12. 1 minute ago, SoberChef said:

    Taking another wait & see approach for the next few days up to a week just to ascertain what the community at large has to say about this new season before deciding if I want to dip my toes back in. I do have TLoU2 next Friday to look forward to, maybe that alone will end up being the thing that gets back into gaming more, who knows?

    Gut reaction on reddit is not too favorable.

    Lots of people upset about sunsetting weapons from Season of the Drifter (and others) just to have them reused for this season and having to grind a new god roll.

    The new activity borrows a lot from Gambit, which is kind of unique I guess, but it will be just like last season where it will become a ghost town as time goes on.

    The new dungeon seems pretty cool, I didn't get very far in because most of my friends went to bed early, but I've enjoyed all of the dungeons so far.

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  13. 6 minutes ago, Remarkableriots said:

    Sounds like a Bungie problem when Warframe has a vastly larger universe but uses under 50GB of space. 

    I guess there is an argument to made for the games actual length vs its physical size, but there is a lot more at play other than just that. You have lighting engines, physics engines, item assets, particle effects. I've never really played warframe, but from watching youtube videos its not a bad looking game in any right, but I don't think it really compares to Destiny visually.

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