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Posts posted by unogueen

  1. Profits care no shit for preservation. Do you have any idea how terrible the states of preservation hygiene is in gaming. If not code, it's the mess of mergers that muddy stakeholders into practical ghosts. Preservation has always been the duty of citizens. Historians just study what's preserved. If that's not enough service based models with no physical equivalent are begging for piracy. Remember, EULAs were worth nothing until some stupid judge said otherwise. Keep the ground.

  2. On 2/27/2024 at 12:10 AM, TUFKAK said:

    Guy killed himself, therefore it's Bidens fault? Ok then

    Tell me you've never faced your own mortality without telling me you haven't.

    Next meal, lol. Most of my life revolves around my next meal, stupid talking point that means nothing. 

    I've actually lived in third world countries, with all the vague loose, security that entails. I didn't know what a candy bar was until I got to Canada. Share your thoughts or shut it.

  3. 4 hours ago, TUFKAK said:

    I mean anyone who burns themselves to death over politics is a bit off. 

    Maybe believe in something more than your next meal. He was complicit in genocide not by volition, but by actions of people who do not think of such men. He felt his pain acute like he should, and did the last thing on the list. So what excuses exist now for the Biden campaign?

  4. 8 minutes ago, silentbob said:

    If this was done on purpose then charge the person, not for murder, but this seems to of been an accident. I believe they are the same state that tried to make masturbation = murder. I can’t find it but The Daily Show did a segment about this 5+ years ago. It completely failed but they were gonna charge people for “discharging of potential human life” 

    Now i can see where some anger over, you know, losing what could have been a family’s last hopes for child. Cause we know using them for research for diseases with embryos is the devil’s work. Then (sadly) get what you can from them in money for a settlement.



    That's the problem. They didn't lose the embryos on purpose but mistake. This was a judgement for the prosecution as sentiment but this shit runs like bloodvessels in bones.

  5. On 2/16/2024 at 7:00 AM, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    Navalny was very much a complex individual as even though he opposed Putin, he also held very strong Russian ethnonationalist beliefs, including at one point questioning whether Ukraine should exist as an independent entity.


    A Russia run by him might not have been that significantly different in terms of actual policy than the one run by the Kremlin's current occupant.

    No but loosing pandora's box is example enough.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    It's so weird that they skip straight to "what if [worst idea possible]" instead of what if it made it a trillion times faster and easier to generate decent assets for things like games or movies that are absurdly expensive and time consuming and are a large part of the reason the gaming industry is starting to take a billion fucking years to release games?

    AI has amazing potential uses, and these dipshits can't even fathom them because they don't know what the hell they're talking about.

    Product does not come from some magic asshole. Time, effort, and resources are required. All in a physical basis. Is this really worth it for you?

  7. 20 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

    Not really, because an AI that just recycles pre-existing data will eventually lose the capacity to adapt to new changes in its domain. (newly invented words/images/sounds/etc.)


    That’s not necessarily the case when it’s working with a closed system with fixed rules, like chess—but it’s certainly the case when it’s working with continuously evolving systems like human language or visual design.

    Eventually. But this is a one trick pony with a lot of power, money, and layoffs behind it. How much does it tear apart in a sprint and how do we reconcile the consequences.

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