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Posts posted by unogueen

  1. Sega was wild at time wrestling with arcade and the burgeoning console style. I fell in love with many of their arcade games at the time (woo 60fps). The schism and dynamism of two very different determinants was focal. More to a recent point lore logs are not how I find myself through life. I talk to people, hear things, learn streets. Weird wasn't right. Like the Half Life idea in a smothering form (haven't tried alyx yet).

  2. I mean I play plenty of random itch.io shit. But the current modal relegates them to a corner.I mean you literally fought houses and lettucerabbits in old final fantasies. It's fine to diverge stylistically, but the top crust that wants the crown could not be more far than what cinema churns. I'm not making this about low or high art, both specttrums gain from the same things. Gaming is a medium afforded by gimmicks, like film was. Whatever it has it's sights set to is a choice.

  3. Remember playing Tomb Raider back in the day, what the fuck were the flesh monsters at the end? Or scrolling through Metroid, gliding past bubble platforms. At those points in gaming there was scant ways for the developer to communicate their intent with the player. And even if they did aim for strange, what difference is it? I guess the uneasiness of youth is a part, But batshit gave way to pretty I feel. Gaming was best for me when I felt like I was dropped in the middle of nowhere, and had to scrutinize anything and everything. It's the best part of immersion for me.

  4. There's the truth that every generation thinks they invented everything. Everyday people tend to be myopic of historical intersection with the state of the present. The West is particularly susceptible since the reason for much of it's plenty is given no real introspection, often gliding from hot talking point to the next. If corona has changed the world at all, I hope it's for people to realize that nothing is immutable, and the race of evolution is hardly over. And as such everything is on the table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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