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Posts posted by heydude93

  1. One of several reasons why i've used bnbs for long-term leases before. Cheaper cost for better real estate (cheaper overall, really), and if a landlord, host or tenets/guests try any fuckery, there tends to be more accountability. Not to minimize some of the the unethical things associated w/ AirBnb - it can be problematic in many ways - but there are also sound reasons why it's used (and why so many listings tend to be stays/housing instead of travel destinations).

  2. Not sure how to react to this yet. Mainly because the dumb american part of my brain isn't knowledgable enough to truly know what this guy is about.  Communism of course can be a good or bad thing. "Marxist Leninist" could be a potential red flag (a lot of tankies identify as that), even though his policies (based on what's mentioned in that guardian article) seem sound enough so far.


    EDIT: after researching it a bit, he apparently he identifies as leftist, not a communist. He seems opposed to neoliberal fascism, though his comments on the Venezuelan Refugee crisis are pretty interesting to say the least. Hmmm....

  3. My memory’s not too great but I think IGN, perma'd me for riling up users via trying to provoke discussions about gamergate, sexism and unchecked privilege in the gaming sphere.


    Resetera also perma'd me.  The notice says it was for having two accounts. There was my main, mostly used for gaming talk, and one where I would make and defend takes like, “Joe Rogan kinda sucks but he probably isn't a nazi", "Destiny/Steven Bonnell is probably smarter at fighting bigots than most users here", “Maybe saying Cliff and Rick killing the Manson family = ‘brutally murdering rando women standing up to the Hollywood old guard’ isn’t the best read of that scene”, etc.  

  4. How much of a coincidence or not is it for this to happen not long after pics of classic GTA remake mods like this one popped up online?




    EDIT: apparently the artist already works in the game industry (their artstation says Ubisoft, but game artists often get contracted by multiple studios). Is this from an official remake?

  5. 12 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    That kid who plays her brother never fails to creep me out in any movie he's in. He's an unsettling looking dude. 


     His character in Tyrel - a movie with a similar premise as Get Out - is almost worse in some ways, though he’s arguably not the most repulsive character in that film. Many who watch it might have a tough time seeing Michael Cera the same way again for a while.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


    There was no golden age of anime, just like the was no golden age of American TV. There's just more of everything. With American TV; there's more limited series, more reality TV, more housewives, more procedural dramas, more sitcoms, and always a new Law and Order. Same goes for anime. There's just more. It's not any more of less entertaining. Just more of it.


    The biggest change we've really seen outside of streaming money is a renewed appreciation for Korean manhwa. That's led to some great anime like Tower of God, Noblesse, and God of Highschool. There's also the outer good live action adaptation of Sweet Home. I'm honestly like of shocked these really good stories have gone ignored by most of the rest of the world for so long.


    Definitely true that there's more of variety of stuff to watch, play, etc now than ever. I do think the amount of good stuff (what I'm interested in seeing at least) does seem to increase over time in pretty much all mediums, but can't argue w/ you much beyond that.  ^_^

  7. 34 minutes ago, Bacon said:

    Yeah, I think video game stories are pretty fine. Like, I don't really play many story driven games that don't also have good gameplay. RDR2 is an exception. Like, I have never played TLOU and overall, I think Naughty Dog games suck, including all the uncharted games. I play 1-3 and they sucked. I mean, games just have alright stories, but it is hard to just compare the story, because gameplay also impacts the story to a degree. I don't know, seems hard to really compare them. Like, give me some examples from games from around 2005-2010. As in just ask me my opinion on some games from that time period. 


    And like, I was THE anime guy here on D1P. I am the reason why the anime tag is pink, or at least I think I was. When I started watching one piece there was over 500 episodes and binged watched all of that, minus filler, twice in a row. 


    And I read a lot of manga. I even read literal porn just for the plot. I follow so much slice of life garbage. I have followed 300ish series. I say ish cuz it also lists oneshots. I really did make the switch from anime to manga and light novels. The last two anime I watched were that slime one, and I think Demon Slayer. I want to say there was another one but I can't remember. 


    Interesting, from how you recount it it almost sounds like you weeb'd out there for for a while lol.  What made you lose taste for anime, if you don't mind my asking?


    Agreed about Uncharted, though I liked the most recent two a lot more than the first three (though I remember thinking the writing in those was pretty good for the time). I grew up playing a lot of story games, but over time started feeling more and more about them the way you feel about anime now :p 


  8. 22 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


    Most anime does nothing for me, even the wildly popular stuff. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is super popular and I have no idea who this series is meant for. Nothing against anyone that likes it. It's just not for me. There's plenty of anime I've enjoyed in my life that others probably couldn't care for.


    With foreign moneys and streaming coming in, there's a whole lot more ultra-niche stuff out there. It's no longer mostly anime that's airing on came and broadcast TV in Japan. That also means there's a WHOLE lot more...stuff...to sort through. I sometimes look at the simulcast section of Crunchyroll and think to myself "who tf is watching all of this?", but it's also all wildly varied. I can't really complain about how weird some of this stuff is, though. I spent a lot of highschool and college watching Adult Swim.


    Didn't know about most of that, sounds pretty interesting. Yeah, Cartoon Network and Syfy (Sci-Fi back then) were my introductions to the medium, obviously older stuff like Iria: Zerim the Animation, Green Legend Ran, DBZ, Cowboy Beebop, Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, Armitage, etc.  I was pretty into it at the time, but as I got older and more cynical I mostly just became a closeminded geriatric who only wants to watch Ghibli :p with an occasional glance towards Kentaro Miura, Jinji Ito and a few more. Sometimes I feel like I'm missing out considering how influential the artform's becoming and how much its growing. Even if most of it's bad right now, gotta wonder sometimes how much longer that will be the case.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


    There are some pretty great, realistic slice of life series and movies out there. Shinichiro Watanabe did a pretty great job of this with stuff like Kids on the Slope and Carole and Tuesday. There's also Your Lie in April m Those all revolve around music and gave key amazing soundtracks. As far as movies go, I think A Silent Voice is pretty great. It's about a highschool kid trying to make amends to a deaf girl he bullied in middle school. You can also stay in Ghibli and go with The Wind Rises or Whisper of the Heart. 5 Centimeters Per Second is a modern classic. None of this stuff is as heartbreaking as Grave of the Fireflies, but also very little really is.


    There isn't a whole ton of true to life anime like Grave of the Fireflies out there. Even the historical stuff like Vinland Saga and Kingdom is normally dialed to 11, anime-style.


    The Wind Rises is another one. At times it really did feel more like my understanding of what slice of life filmaking is, and the relationship between characters felt almost live action-esque at times. It was also a pretty challenging viewing for me. 


    Haven't heard of the others you mentioned, but definitely interested in checking them out at some point to see if I'm off base with my take on the medium. I more or less agree with bacon -  most of it does nothing for me, but to be fair there's also a lot of it I haven't watched.



  10. 18 hours ago, Bacon said:

    Huh? Most video games that aren't the equivalent of a garage band uploading their music to YouTube are totally fine. Like, I don't consider that shit real games. It is really hard to make a bad game that I label as a "real" game. Like, what do you exactly mean be story driven? I mean, if it is a visual novel then of course the story has to be good, but video games are games first right? I want to say more, but I need to know what you mean better. And I mean, I have never played a Walking-sim like fire forest or whatever. Never will either.


    My bad, I specified story-driven for the sake of better comparing it to anime - a storytelling medium.  A game like Rocket League or Tetris serves a different purpose than a game like Uncharted or Final Fantasy, of course.


    So when you say most anime is garbage I assume you mean because most anime stories prioritize empty-calorie escapism with minimal sociopolitical value over ones that are more emotionally impactful and insightful, and that this is less the case with other mediums. From what I remember, even Hayao Miyazaki more or less agrees with this, so it might be a fairly sound take. I'm just wondering...that ratio of good to bad...how much if at all would you say it changes when applied to all video game stories so far?



  11. 3 hours ago, Bacon said:

    Red = Bad

    Yellow = Meh

    Green = Good



    This is the difference between anime and "others". Bottom is anime of course. There is so much less meh or middle of the road anime. There is so much literal shit that actually makes it to "TV". You can turn on the tv, browse Netflix, browse a book store and you are far likely to just find a middle of the road option. But not anime. There is so much shit front and center is it unbelievable. It is worse than any other genre or medium by far. Anime is made even worse by so much of it literally being unfinished and will never be finished. Take the Anime, Spice & Wolf. It only covers the novels 1, 2, 3, and 5 (yes it skips 4). The anime is unfinished and there are loads of this. Shit that just covers part of a story. It isn't that it got canceled but it was just an ad to sell manga, or novels, or a video game. 


    Anime is so fucking shit. 


    Ok this might be a hot take, but...everything you've said about anime ITT...how accurate do you feel it would be if applied to all videogames that are to any extent story-driven?

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