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Posts posted by Spork3245

  1. 27 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

    Kristi Noem is a known liar. I do not for a single second believe her puppy, who was having the time of their life frolicking in the fields, all the sudden decided to go cannibalistic Cujo on a chicken farm.


    I think she put in the story about shooting her dog because she thought it made her seem strong and decisive, her editor read it, and was like what in the absolute hell is this, and made her add the chicken farm part or extremely embellish it.


    I'd still argue that, if true, the chicken farm part is 100% her fault.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

    She probably thought the story about killing the puppy would actually help her with Trump, because lest we forget, Trump infamously hates dogs. You'd think it would be that trait that would have turned off conservatives since everyone in America are obsessed with dogs but they're very stupid so here we are.


    Trump also cares about optics, it's why he once used a sharpie to double down and draw on a weather map. I hope this gaffe sends Noem back to political obscurity... I also hope she gets eaten by a pack of wild dogs.

    • True 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

    To be fair what I read was killed a bunch of chickens then went after her aggressively when she tried to stop the dog,  that’s not puppy behavior, that’s aggressive dog behavior as most dogs don’t decimate a chicken coop. I could see in the moment killing the dog, but not the after.


    Any dog with a strong prey drive (which typically kicks in around 9-15 months) would have done the same. German Wirehaired Pointers are known for having extremely strong prey drives. She let a puppy, still in training, off leash among "food" and then got upset when it did a puppy thing. She's a fucking moron. And yea, if you don't teach a dog like that not to be aggressive with food/toys/whatever from a young age, of course it gets aggressive when you try to take things away. Fact of the matter is that it sounds like she didn't bother training it with any legit techniques.

  4. 2 minutes ago, TUFKAK said:

    Like I read the excerpt, I can sortve see it, taking her at her word that dog was a problem, but it’s the callous ass way she describes it that makes it sociopathic Abd then just going, that goat  smells kill it too, and such a shit shot she fucking missed her first shot. I’ve known ranchers; they don’t cull that way 


    The puppy sounded like it was being a puppy, even when taking her at her word. It was chasing after birds and later a friends chickens having the "time of it's life". Like, yea, not every fucking dog makes a good hunting dog. So, her solution, "kill it"? Fuck that. There's a 1000 other solutions, but she wanted some type of sick revenge on something that was only in the world for 14 months and didn't know any better. She can fuck right off and there is literally no explanation that makes what she did even remotely understandable as the dog was not a threat to anyone in her story even though she claimed "it was dangerous to anyone it came in contact with", at the end of the day, that dog just "ruined the hunt" she was on and it probably embarrassed her so she wanted to "feel good" by getting revenge.

    I mean, FFS, look at Commander. Dog bit how many USSS agents? Biden put him in proper care where he is less stressed and won't do that.

  5. 1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:

    Sydney Sweeney went on SNL and showed cleavage which, apparently, is something woke leftists have destroyed.  She got propped up as some icon of what liberals have tried to destroy because no one sees a big titted blonde on TV anymore, which is odd because she’s famous for being on TV.  

    Anyway, a few weeks after she’s on SNL her new movies comes out which is about a pregnant nun and a presumably evil convent, and people were upset that somehow Hollywood was trying to take back Sydney Sweeney now that she had become a darling of the right.  

    So somehow Sweeney became an icon of the right because boobs despite the fact that conservatives constantly bitch up sexuality on TV.  Then, somehow, a movie that was written, filmed, and edited months to years ago was actually created specifically to make the right hate her.  

    July 4 Usa GIF

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