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Posts posted by Slug

  1. 11 hours ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

    Because of recent trends at my place of employment, the entire "work from home" advocacy movement as it has definitely contributed to my souring mental health to the point where I'm becoming genuinely angry at co-workers who partake in it.

    We've moved to a kind of hybrid system here and it's a pretty sweet balance.

  2. 14 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    Ok @Slug they may have got ya then 😂

    OK I just looked it up.  I'm pretty sure it's a regular LED. 


    Edit: Wait shit..I can't tell. Apparently there are oled and non oled versions of this TV?  


    Edit 2: OK I pulled the specific model and yes, I did "accidentally" buy an OLED, I think.  So now I'm back the conclusion that I just suck at picture settings.

    • Haha 2
  3. Just now, sblfilms said:





    I mean yeah I wouldn't have accidentally bought it, but I absolutely wouldn't have paid attention to what I was buying.  Being a layperson when it comes to this kind of thing, I'm every salesperson's favorite guy.  I'm the one who walks in and just picks whatever looks best on the wall in the showroom then says yes to whatever suggestions the salesperson makes to make me change my mind.

  4. 2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

    I didn’t feel much benefit over the years going from one LCD to the next. The first time I fired up my first OLED, I absolutely had the “we HD now” feeling. It can’t be overstated how important black blacks are to overall image quality.

    I'mma have to look up to see if my current TV is an OLED.  Like I said I may just suck at picture settings.

  5. I know unrelated, but the tech jump in TVs doesn't wow me anymore.  I remember being blown away when I first made the jump from an old box projection flat screen to a modern LED TV.  Absolutely floored; looking at the TV was like looking through a window.  Every upgrade I've made since then has failed to impress.  I haven't gotten that "holy shit we HD now" feeling in a long ass time.  I bought a new TV a few months ago and it's nice, but the picture's not like, breathtakingly different than my previous TV.  Either I suck at picture settings or I need to wait another decade or so before upgrading any TVs.

  6. It's so rare that a movie I'd seen or even heard of, let alone actually liked, won best picture.  I'm glad EEAaO got it.  I saw it randomly on a whim at a theater near an airport while killing time waiting for a flight home.  Knew absolutely nothing about it going in.  Everything else that was in the theater at the time looked boring and this one had a cool box standee with Michelle Yeoh doing a martial arts pose and I was like, "Yeah I could go for a kung-fu flick".  2 hours later and I could not recall ever being that surprised and engaged by a movie before.  It's not my favorite movie, but it's probably my favorite movie experience if that makes sense.  It absolutely tops the list of "I wish I could see it again for the first time" films.

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