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Posts posted by Slug

  1. 26 minutes ago, Emblazon said:

    Olberic is hilarious with his "challenge everyone" ability. Until you challenge an old bar maid and she wipes the floor with you. :lol:

    I've gotta find whatever the Octopath Traveler version of the classic "Ribbon" accessory is.  Because there's this one dude as soon as I challenge him it's like a Marlboro; instantly poisoned, confused, blind, etc. 



  2. 1 hour ago, AndrewDean84 said:

    I got another 3 wins last night.

    You'll have to teach me. Verticality is the devil.  I'm good until I either get above or below someone, then I'm garbage.  I can't keep track of my enemy's position.  As soon as I lose sight of them it's game over; I can never reacquire them and they ace me from above, below or behind.

  3. 16 hours ago, AndrewDean84 said:

    The gyro aiming has increased my gunplay skills by a ton.  I've netted 4 wins in the last few hours of gameplay with basic weapons or green weapons.  I tend to run assault rifle, SMG and either a shotgun or some type of explosive,  something for health and something for shields.  


    Game is just awesome. Best moment since the 5.0 patch for me was driving up a ramp someone was making, running him over and scoring a kill.

    Damn dude. 


    I have 3 wins out of nearly 800 games.  And I only count one of those wins as legitimate. o_0

  4. 10 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    Yes we get it, you're special. :talkhand:


    Although if you were playing on PC and wanted to play a friend on the PS4 and a friend on a switch at the same time you'd be affected by it because you couldn't play them both at once.

    I am special. :P


    And yeah..but that's the same for anyone right? 

  5. 5 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    But I believe Fortnite is the only one that if you play with your PS4 you can't play another version crossplay. (well of course Rocket League doesn't have an account so it would be hard to limit :p )

    As far as I know, yeah. But fortunately it doesn't really affect me because I'm PC. The only consequence to me is that I lose out on portable Fortnite since I can't log in on Switch. I can still play with anyone on any platform because PC. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

    But like....only with Fortnite, right? You can still do cross-platform play with other games, like Minecraft and Rocket League and all that, yeah? 

    No, Sony doesn't allow crossplay with other consoles pretty much at all. Only PC. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

    Holy shit. You can’t be serious. That fucking sucks. 


    Up yours, Sony. :| 

    Yeah it does.  I'm primarily a PC player so it's no big deal since I can still play my account on PC which is 99% of my Fortnite playing anyhow.  I was looking forward to portable Fortnite on Switch, but no dice since I logged in to my account on PS4 a couple times and Sony doesn't play well with the other consoles. :/

  8. 15 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Since you've been living in a cave the past month. Sony doesn't allow crossplay and if anyone logs on to fortnite with their PS4 they can't play it on the switch or any other platform ever.

    Except PC. I'm a PC player. :)


    I just can't play my account on Switch or XBone,  but I can still play with people on those platforms since I'm PC, not Sony. 

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