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Posts posted by Ominous

  1. 37 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    Ok, I had just about enough of this game. It’s extremely confusing with mind twisting bullshit happening at every corner. There is litteraly no combat and all you do is walk around and use light to find your way. It’s boring as fuck and not fun in the slightest.


    Not sure how this reviewed so well because I'm actually pretty disgusted by this. It started out fine and I was being patient things would take off but the opposite happened. I am extremely disappointed I wasted money on this. 


    Those that enjoy supernatural detective games may like it but I'm completely done giving it more time. I spent 6 hours on it and now I'm moving on to Spiderman 2.


    @Biggie I am going to fire up Spidey shortly so we won't be at the same points as we play. 


    Do you only enjoy games that go pew pew pew? I mean I don't care for BG3, but I can appreciate why it would get great scores. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Chairslinger said:



    Boy, his generic white guy looks ain't doing anything to shoot holes in this theory.


    When I saw the stock photo of him I suspected ChatGPT spat it out when someone typed in, show me the phrase, "Working hard or hardly working buddy?" if it were a person.....






    If you asked a magical Genie to make The Colbert Report a real person.... 

  3. Seems like some grade A ground chud 



    Johnson opposed the results of Obergefell vs. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage across the US. 


    Johnson opposes abortion and supports legislation to prohibit abortions.


    Johnson believes medical marijuana is a "gateway drug" to other drugs.


    Johnson was one of 147 members of Congress to vote to overturn the results of the 2020 United States presidential election in the state of Pennsylvania.


    In April 2018, Johnson joined Republican state Attorney General Jeff Landry and Christian actor Kirk Cameron to argue under the First Amendment for student-led prayer and religious expression in public schools



  4. 41 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I agree with that mentality but at the same time if it's the best you're going to get under any circumstance and the only alternative is letting the process of government stall while the Republicans implode is not a winning strategy unless you hope the Republicans come to their senses soon enough to offer concessions, which I'm not entirely sure they'll do given their a bunch of dipshits.

    Republicans literally have the ability to elect a speaker with 0 help from democrats....it's their game...their ball. 

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