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Posts posted by Kal-El814

  1. 2 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

    The combat has been a little polarizing since the initial release of the game, as we’ve kind of re-litigated here. Personally I think it’s less interesting than some people will have you believe, even with the planning / strategy aspect, but it’s just fine at the same time. It’s not bad. And again the other stuff the game has going for it so much overshadows any issues you might have with the combat that it’s really a non-issue. 

    Few games of this ambition have the chops to tell stories like this. 


    Yeah, agreed. Similar to God of War Ragnarok, my main complaint with Wild Hunt is that there’s more stuff and content than there is gameplay, if that makes sense. I’ve picked up 1,000 of the same gambeson with slightly different stats, 2,000 clubs I will never ever use, so much clutter, etc. Ubisoft rightly gets criticized for its open worlds having just so much shit puked onto the map and Wild Hunt does that A LOT.


    I think the smartest thing Wild Hunt does, and I won’t be spoilery here given that some people ITT seem to have not finished, is not beat you over the head with what choices impact the ending, which choices are, “good,” etc. It makes the stories compelling to chase and finish and makes it more challenging to meta game if you’re going through without following a wiki.


    I should play it again :p

  2. 15 minutes ago, stepee said:


    lol he’s now mad at r/conservative for not being far right enough after trying to pretend that he was in the center here 


    He’s apparently a moderator in a couple Israel related subreddits, and there is not enough money on god’s green earth to make me click.

  3. The combat in Wild Hunt goes back and forth between fine and pretty good depending on how you build out your stats. The main issue with it is that there's a lot more combat in the game than there is depth to the combat. I know I was playing on Death March so people's mileage may vary, but for the back half of the game a lot of the fights went more or less the same way with a couple exceptions and I was tempted to drop the difficulty not because I couldn't hang, but because it just took too long and wasn't all that fun.


    Regardless @skillzdadirecta is right, other than the fact that there are dodges and parries, the combat is different than From games to the point that you can't really play it like one.


    • Halal 1
  4. 4 hours ago, sblfilms said:

    This sort of stuff really hits hard for me given my sister and her struggles with schizophrenia. She had recently been on the streets again after losing her apartment, stayed with us for about 3 weeks until she just got it in her head that our 15 year old son was some sort of sexual predator. Crazy stuff, screaming for God to kill him. Obviously couldn’t keep her in the house when she’s like that. We tried our best to get her to take her medication, we even tried to show the video of her outburst at our son to the county mental health facility as proof she was a danger. But they talked to her and she was fairly lucid and pleasant at the time, so their hands are tied.


    I always hate the conservative talking point about mental health as a response to gun violence, but it is indeed true that we need to do something serious about mental health care laws. We need tools to force care on those who lack the capacity to get it themselves.


    I've got someone I'm close to who went through something similar with one of their relatives. Alcoholism driven dementia, regular check ins on this person where they'd be covered in their own waste, the cat's litter box would be overflowing, beers and cigarettes everywhere despite insistence they just cleaned, stuff like that. And whenever they went through the system they were just stable enough to not warrant institutionalization. That went on for something like seven years before they finally crossed some threshold to got reviewed by the "right" person.  And now that happened, relatives have come out of the woodwork concerned about their care despite literally no contact nor offers to help until they were institutionalized. These situations are just awful; I genuinely don't know how people manage.

    • True 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Jason said:

    wait why do the qtards hate Tom Hanks


    Isaac Kappy accused Hanks (and others, I believe) of pedophilia; he later committed suicide which followers of the Q cinematic universe think is a cover up for him being murdered for his accusations. They also believe Hanks getting COVID and quarantining himself in Australia was a coverup for his being arrested for said pedophilia. And naturally some of them think that Hanks has been dead for some time. Lin Wood is involved because of course he is.


    Thanks for making me remember and type this by the way, I'm going to go fix myself a Janitor's Old Fashioned; bleach, an ice cube, and Fast Orange hand cleaner.

    • Haha 2
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