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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. If Donald sees people wanting his endorsement for POTUS then he'll take that as a sign he should just run for POTUS again. I doubt any serious contenders for 2024 will go seek his blessing.
  2. Well Utah was the first state to allow women to vote so that their husbands could tell them how to vote to keep Mormon influence alive and well in the state.
  3. Santorum is saying that there are still 150k provisional ballots in PA that might skew GOP due to primary participants being given the option to receive a mail-in ballot when they voted in the primary.
  4. Yeah... Haha. Seattle teams are my primary teams because that's where I spent my childhood and most of my adolescence. But I did spend part of it in Detroit so those are my "second" teams. But all that suffering with the Lions I also suffer with the Mariners.
  5. I don't think that's what the official said. There were some military ballots mixed in there and the whole lot went 4:1.
  6. Allegheny County Election Division Manager giving an update to the press to inform everybody that there is no update at this time.
  7. Delays in counting in Pittsburgh. Only 3200 processed since 8AM this morning. At this rate we won't get the finish of those ballots for like 10 days.
  8. I see. I mean I'll try anything Star Wars at least once but yeah I didn't really care for her acting abilities in the Mando eps she was in.
  9. "The longer it goes on" is all due to the counting though. Networks can't make that go faster by calling it when there's a statistical probability, even if it's small, that Trump regains some ground in PA.
  10. I'm personally falling on the side of playing things conservatively at the moment. Don't give the POTUS or his chuds any ammo to say that anything is biased against them when POTUS is so fucking unstable right now. Play it safe. The Biden campaign is staying quiet right now and that's the right thing to do. And I think not calling just right now is also the right thing to do.
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