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Everything posted by Ricofoley

  1. Shitload of House Republicans still voting Yes to rejecting Arizona. This fever ain't breaking any time soon.
  2. The guy who got conned by Borat and a failed SEC coach are conspiring to do a coup for a game show host. What the fuck are we doing here, what even is this.
  3. Thank you, Big Oil. Maybe we can discuss preventing the ecosystem from being destroyed at a later date.
  4. They've actually done studies where the disparity in black vs. white people getting stopped for traffic violations is different during the day than at night, right?
  5. He was making that "joke" at his rallies "maybe I'll stay for 4 more years, maybe 8, maybe 12!" long before he got the 'rona. We were always headed here.
  6. Yep. Spat out a word salad about how PA passed a brand new law to allow mail-in balloting in this year, because, you know, there was a pandemic. I guess this is just supposed to be suspicious on its face, I dunno
  7. Romney sitting right behind Hawley as he speaks and he's making it sound like he's still going ahead with this objections
  8. They could just pick a different Senator, right? There was a weird thing earlier in the week where Grassley tweeted that he was going to do the count and then backed off of it like 5 minutes later
  9. Something that'd be really disturbing to see would be those poll numbers for just current police officers.
  10. More seriously, I basically don't watch TV news at all anymore, but I've watched like 6 hours of ABC and NBC today, and I've heard a bunch of vague references to "divisions within the country," but I'm not sure if I've heard the term QAnon mentioned once, and it just feels like so many people in prominent positions still don't really grasp the actual nature of the problem
  11. If he avoids a recount, hopefully he gets seated relatively quickly, although I'm sure they'll invent some pretext to delay it, like what happened in Pennsylvania today.
  12. Man, we're not gonna get a utopian society out of this, but there's so many things like this that it does solve.
  13. Don't panic about this CNN thing that's out there saying that there may be fewer DeKalb votes
  14. Meanwhile, as the GOP loses hold on the Senate, Trump has put out a statement declaring that, contrary to reports, he is NOT OWNED, and dated it as "January 5, 2020"
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