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Posts posted by Ricofoley

  1. Megan McArdle, who wrote an absolutely nuclear-level take after the Grenfell Tower tragedy in Britain, has decided that the best use of her column space today is to tell her readership that, actually, insider trading is fine and good



  2. 3 hours ago, SFLUFAN said:

    The fact that the media is more than likely going to be consumed by that woman's book for the next week makes me want to burn something down.

    It's gonna happen with every major figure who leaves the White House and writes a book, and everything they say is going to be accepted in good faith, and they're all going to get a chance to completely rehab their image. Already basically happened with Spicer.

  3. Bears are next. I dunno when Drew Magary wrote these, but if I were starting one now I'd start with the fact that the Bears inexplicably have not signed their first round draft pick yet, long after everyone else has, even though the entire rookie wage scale is set up to basically prevent this from happening.

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