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Posts posted by vaxick

  1. I'm considering getting this for the Lynx functionality as it's the only handheld from my childhood I hung onto.  It's especially exciting as Lynx emulation has never exactly been perfect.  I just wonder how it'll deal with a few of the titles which operate in the vertical position such as Gauntlet.

  2. On 9/30/2019 at 3:43 AM, mach250 said:

    don't know why nintendo couldn't figure this out with a new design years after the switch release. for now it seems like I'll be replacing sticks every 6-9 months for the life of the switch. the lites sticks don't look easily replaceable like the joycons too.

    The scary part about the Lite is I imagine they'll be replacing them with a refurb unit and in Nintendo's world, that means you'll be playing the panel lottery.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Dre801 said:

    Lol Jim Sterling roasted this one.  He's right.  A weapon cool down in Contra?  WTF?

    Yep, after about five minutes of dealing with that in the demo, I said fuck this and removed it.  The rest of the game was awful too, but that was the icing on the top.  I can't believe a game like this exists in 2019. 

  4. On 7/23/2019 at 12:01 AM, Littleronin said:

    Latest pickups:


    I have around 20 copies sealed copies Corpse Killer for the 32X, lol.  Back in the early days of eBay, it was cheaper to buy a box full of copies than a single copy.  I sold a few on eBay through the years, and ultimately they ended up in storage.

  5. Played the demo tonight, I'm not really sure what to think.  It's very true to the PS1 game for better or worse.  I think I was just under the impression they'd at least add some modern refinements to it.  The combat just feels like it has no weight to it and the camera is still a bit on the clunky side.  I'm torn on this one now.  I was excited for it, but now I'm leaning towards waiting for a sale.  

  6. Very excited we're so close to the release of this one.  I always loved the creativity behind this title, but the game had its flaws, specifically with its camera and controls.  It'll be fun to play through this game again with modern mechanics that'll make it a much more streamlined experience.  Hope it sells well enough that Sony considers giving other old titles in its catalogue the HD treatment.  

  7. CRT's certainly have some big strengths over LCD's and OLED's to a lesser degree, but the whole display debate will be a wash once micro LED displays become affordable.  It's everything we wanted from OLED, but without its downsides.


    I used to own Sony's best widescreen CRT television and while I do miss it, I'd never want to go back to it.  The longer I owned it, the more I had to go into service menu to combat age related issues.  By the time I gave it up, the overscan was getting bad enough that text on the side of the screen was being cut off on widescreen games.


    I got a Sony CRT TV for a few years ago for free I thought I'd hang onto for retro games, but I've honestly never used it.  The seldom time I do play a retro console, I just plug it into my video processor I have around mostly for times I want to watch a Laserdisc.  

  8. I just finished the second vault tonight and hit level 35. Having a lot of fun, but I am kinda disappointed as to how much of the game has been on Eden-6 so far as I was hoping for more planetary variety. 


    I've run into a few bugs as well.  Today I encountered two.  First was a mission with Chad who just wants to do stunts. He just kinda floated away into a stone, never to be seen again until the area was reloaded.  Secondly, a boss I was fighting vanished and never appeared again.  After waiting, the game stated I killed it and to pickup a quest item.  I had to reload the area to get the quest item. 

  9. I don't know about that, when I was young and at a car meetup, we had a Canadian attend with a trunk full of beer.  I was under age at the time, but the man proclaimed you're of legal drinking age in my country and handed me a beer.  

  10. Why would anybody want Disney to buy Sony Pictures just to freaking keep making comic book movies with Spiderman in them.  The last thing Hollywood needs is Disney owning yet another studio.  Sony Pictures Classics is literally one of the last major studios left that supports independent cinema.  I'm sorry, but I care far more about original, creative films seeing wide releases than I do about comic book films being made.  

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