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Posts posted by Greatoneshere

  1. 51 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

    This looks entertaining enough. I love the main cast. Vibe kind of reminds me of the latest King Arthur movie. 


    But is there some kind of rule in Hollywood that we can’t get any kind of direct adaptation of English folklore? Can’t we get a straight up telling of the Robin Hood and King Arthur stories? It’s been what 40+ years since we got one for Arthur and 20+ for Robin Hood. 


    I really enjoyed the new King Arthur movie, but a lot of that was thanks in large part to veteran auteur director Guy Ritchie.


    I hope this is good, but I don't think it will be as it has two completely unknown and untested writers writing it (not a writing duo either, separate from each other) and a TV director making his very first feature film. We'll see I guess. 

  2. 47 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

    .i enjoyed season 2 a lot but my biggest complaint was splitting up the kids too much. The best part of season 1 was their chemistry and how real it made their friendship feel. I missed a lot of that in season 2. But that tends to be the way with shows/movies I guess. Charm is often sacrificed as the need for a greater threat/more serious tone comes up with any sequels. 


    This was my biggest issue with season 2 as well, though I did enjoy the season overall (it's been so long I don't remember a good bit of season 2 lol). 

  3. 2 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


    It was said earlier by a different user, and said perfectly.


    The only role Obama had in electing Trump or motivating the Republican Party was his existence.


    I didn't say it was his fault Trump became a candidate or anything like that. I'm saying he didn't help his own party enough throughout his years as President which helped Trump and the Republicans, so no, his mere existence isn't the "only role" a major President of 8 years has leading up to the immediate election following his tenure. That's ridiculous of any president. You don't think any president has an effect on the election proceedings of his successor? C'mon now. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    But she’s objectively not the most unpopular candidate either. She was not even the most unpopular candidate in 2018. 


    The most unpopular candidate the Democratic party could have reasonably selected to go up against Donald Trump in 2016 given the context at the time. 


    Obviously, I don't (and I don't think anyone else) literally means she was the most unpopular/worst candidate in history.


    The entire Republican primary candidates from 2016 shows that's simply not true, obviously. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

    It's like an objective major loser like McGovern never happened.


    All this blame for "who is responsible for Trump" is really absolving the people who actually voted for this piece of shit of agency in the matter


    5 minutes ago, osxmatt said:


    That's because, sadly, the most taboo thing in American politics is criticizing the electorate.


    In no way am I absolving the American electorate by saying that Obama played a role in Trump's ascendancy and presidency due to his negligence and lack of resolve. That's flatly true. I didn't say he played the biggest part or even the second biggest part. But he played a significant enough role.


    Obviously, at least the 40% base/alt-right American electorate that keeps approving of Donald Trump's presidency in polling are a bunch of dumb ass fucking morons who want to burn us all down, including apparently immolating themselves while cutting off their nose to spite their own stupid faces, in case anyone needed me to be clear about my opinion on the subject. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Clinton was an obviously flawed candidate in a few key ways, but section interference was a real thing and she won the popular vote. The retcon of her into the worst candidate ever is... weird. 


    Most unpopular candidate, perhaps not "worst" in an objective sense. In fact, I found Hillary Clinton very qualified for the position, despite my disagreements with her. 

  7. 31 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    I'm not saying Obama was perfect.  I'm saying that blaming him for Trump when he left the country in far better shape than he found it despite constant Republican opposition and unprecedented levels of disrespect and undermining. Thinking that the first black President in this country could follow a Progressive agenda without being accused by the Right of being a Socialist who wants to take guns and food from white people and give them to minorities displays an incredible lack of understanding about how racial politics work in this country.


    Trump won because White America panicked and thought the country was changing too fast and they would lose their privaledged position. That's why Trump won. Only another White man, MAYBE could have beaten him and no I don't count Bernie.

    Ultimately you know who is responsible for Trump? The American Electorate.


    I can blame a number of factors at the same time, and that includes Obama and the American electorate, which is why I emphasize "in part" constantly. Obama did a lot - especially given the Herculean task the Bush administration left him at the time. But he still did a lot of things wrong, especially at the end, and I do hold him responsible for that part in this absolute clusterfuck of a situation we have now.


    Obviously, I blame Trump himself first and foremost. 

  8. 10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    Obama is responsible for Trump the same way he's the most divisive President in history... he EXISTED.


    His inability to do as much as he should have depressed democratic voter turnout amongst progressives. Sure, Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in history, but who set the stage for her? 


    I think we can't just ignore the stage Obama set either. He could have been stronger and more progressive, like he had originally promised in 2008. He was completely ineffective in neutralizing Donald Trump while he was President and knew about election tampering. He is responsible, in part. 

  9. 21 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    That's my point... they've deliberately mislead their supporters for their own shortsighted benefit.


    When you said "these people" at the beginning of the post I quoted I thought you meant Republican politicians, who just don't care, not their base, who I agree with you, are stupid and being deliberately mislead and believing it all genuinely. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    These people don't believe global warming is a thing... do you really think they would understand server and computer Technology? Again conservatives and the Republican establishment have done this country a huge disservice playing to the ignorance of their voters for 30 years and it blew up in their faces with the election of Trump. We just have to hope there's enough people with sense left in this country to get us back on track... I have my doubts.


    His base doesn't believe in climate change, but far right politicians certainly know it's real. They've seen the data (which is overwhelming, as you know). They just don't care, because they love that donor money (oil, etc.) and they'll lie and play dumb to keep it that way.

  11. 1 hour ago, osxmatt said:

    Obama is responsible for Trump in the same way the existence of black people is responsible for the KKK.


    No, actually, there's proof to show that Trump was in direct response to Obama and I'd argue Obama's handling of the 2016 presidential election was grossly negligent regardless of McTurtle trying to block him.


    His pushing for Hillary Clinton, his inability to keep his party honest, being bought by CitiBank and other Wall Street corporations. I like Obama a good bit actually, but I absolutely think he teed up the country (in part) to vote Trump in 2016, not intentionally, but negligently. 


    Had he pushed a more Bernie Sanders-type progressive agenda in his 8 years, I guarantee that Trump would not have won in 2016. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, RedSoxFan9 said:



    Trump might be smarter than Obama



    If he cared so much maybe he shouldn't have been a corporatist centrist Democrat who negotiated like a moderate Republican when he was the President of the United States of America for eight fuckin' years


    Also, Obama is, in part, responsible for Trump, and it's because he wasn't nearly progressive enough. 

  13. 3 hours ago, atom631 said:

    Absolutely - Jurassic Park still looks great, esp the CGI. 


    MI:1 just looks old and the sound is very 1 dimensional. Im not saying its a bad movie bc of it...it was just off-putting after not having seen it since it was in the movies. 


    I dunno if I agree. M:I plays like a great 1970's John Le Carre-lite spy thriller. On bluray I thought the film looked and sounded fine. Both show their age similarly I feel. 

  14. 4 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

    Just got off work and I am disgesting this clusterfuck. I took a couple minutes just staring at a blank screen trying to decide what to say at this point.


    When Mueller indicted the Russians on Friday someone posted a video here where someone on CNN said there is now as much evidence that Russia hacked the DNC as there was that Bin Laden was behind 9/11.


    While that is true, I think the more politically poignant statement to make is that Trump is now at least as derelict in his duty as Commander in Chief denying the evidence that Russia attacked us as Bush was when he laid out the case for invading Iraq. 


    Disgesting = digesting something disgusting? It works!


    Also: "McCabe is Comey!!"

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