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Posts posted by cusideabelincoln

  1. 2 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    It's almost a 20% performance increases for the 7700x vs the 7600 in Mario Kart Switch emu, PS3 emu is about 16%: https://www.techpowerup.com/review/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/16.html

    I'm guessing it's the clock speed differences? :shrug:





    I typically consider the X and non-X versions the same. Since AMD doesn't lockdown any overclocking or tuning you can turn overclock or use PBO to turn a 7600 into a 7600X, or you can do the reverse and turn a 7600X into a lower power consumption chip by changing the PBO target. You would just have to be really unlucky with the silicon lottery if you bought a non-X chip that couldn't come close to an X.


    I was scratching my head as to why the 7600 in that review was performing so much worse than the official 7600 review, and why the 7600 was having a huge drop off compared to the 7600X while the 7700 had little drop off compared to the 7700X. But I found the reason on the temperature benchmarks; He made an error while benchmarking the 7600 and probably didn't correctly mount the cooler, as you can clearly see the 7600 is hitting the 95 C temperature limit and limiting its clockspeed. The 7600 is only a 65W part like the 7700, so it should never come close to hitting the 95C limit.

  2. 9 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


    I like the second build there a lot, but I’d consider swapping to a 7700x for an extra $80-90 for the extra two cores which will help outside of gaming, also, if you plan to do any Switch emulation the 7700x has a notable advantage over the 7600 & 7600x iirc. In normal PC gaming they’re not too far off from one another.


    The 7700X is a good option, as I have a feeling games/Windows OS are going to outgrow even fast 6 core CPUs now that we're seeing support for PS4/Xbone being dropped by developers.  So, that gives 6 core CPUs another 3 years, tops, of relevance, but as little as 1 more year.  It's definitely good the 7600 is pretty cheap though, so not a huge investment if that happens, and Zen 5 will probably be a banger upgrade.


    I'm not sure why Switch emulation would be considerably worse on the 7600. It's primarily single-thread bound and in-game performance doesn't scale much past 6 cores, although compiling shaders will be faster with more threads. I tested TOTK with 6c/6t and it performed the same as 12c/24t.

  3. 2 hours ago, Pikachu said:


    Yeah I need to do it from stratch?


    What do you think of this build?




    For pure gaming, an AMD 7800x3D is the best high end value you can get right now, and with the hopium that AM5 is a new socket that should be supported longer than Intel's current gen. 


    Also avoid DDR4 for Intel 13th gen gaming. Productivity performance is fine, but gaming performance takes a huge hit compared to DDR5.


    This would be a 7800x3D + 4070 Ti build for you to not think about upgrading the CPU for a while.




    Or this is a 7600 + 4080 build to maximize 1440p performance right now, but the 7600 will probably only last one more GPU generation before it starts showing its age. 




  4. 9 hours ago, Jason said:


    Yeah it says PCIe 4.0 on the box for the drive. Restarted the PS5 and I didn't see anything about a formatting screen. Could the fact that I installed the drive before ever plugging in the PS5 be the problem here?


    You might have to update your OS since SSD support was not available on early versions of the PS5 firmware.


    Which is odd for a new PS5 to not have a reasonably latest firmware.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    There are normal reactions to messages and SUPER reactions. If you pay they replenish but if you don't pay you get two of them ever! The super reaction is right next the normal one, you might even use it accidentally :p





    Next should be a plugin for super reactions that activate the.... rumble... on your Xbox controller.

  6. Did you get a PCI-E 4.0 drive?


    PS5 will not recognize a 3.0 drive, even though there are some 3.0 drives faster than many 4.0 drives. 



    Also when you boot it up after installing a new drive there will be a formatting screen before it loads your home page.

  7. I would buy an m.2 to USB adapter or external enclosure when you buy your new drive, plug that into the PS5 and copy your games to the new drive, and then swap the old drive with the new drive. Now you have upgraded internal storage on the PS5, and a spare 1TB external drive to use for whatever you want.


    2TB drives are pretty cheap these days though, why didn't you just go with 2TB now?

  8. 4 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

    I had some trouble hearing the very beginning opening with Gwen speaking over the drum solo, but after that I didn’t have any problems.

    The drums were subdued enough to hear Gwen, but overall she was still a touch quiet. I can totally see a packed room with people munching popcorn or eating candy being a problem though. 


    After seeing it a second time I don't know if it's "technically" better than the first, but I do like it more. But I could be biased because I caught two references to the Spectacular Spider-Man series, which is one of the greatest animated shows of all time - certainly the best Spider-Man series ever. 


    One reference I don't think they did was to the 90s animated series. Was there one? It would be sick if...(funny speculation incoming)



    The REAL cause of the anomalies was the 90s Peter Parker and Madame Web jumping through dimensions trying to find and rescue MJ, resolving a 30 year cliffhanger.


    • True 1
  9. It's good. So fucking good. I am so glad I avoided any press and promotion for this, but there's so much going on even the trailers couldn't spoil much. I think I love this more than the first. Intensity and levity are perfectly balanced, and the Spider lore is spectacular.


    9 hours ago, TheLeon said:

    Incredible movie, I got chills from minute one. Just one little complaint:

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    They forgot to give the dang thing an ending!


    Yeah I had no idea.



    When the surprise reveal happened I could only think this movie has felt long how are they going to wrap everything up in a reasonable amount of time. Welp.


  10. 4 hours ago, stepee said:


    I definitely was in a place there like I am here at one point but eventually found a groove. Which is why I’m not giving up!




    If you find a fairy pond mark it on your map so you can come back and get more when they respawn.


    I also mark Ruby/Sapphire/Topaz ore locations, and any tough enemies.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

    Elden Ring had a ton of weird tech issues, yeah. It also barely had a story, same as any other Souls game. Hell, I barely remember the story because I spent most of my time in the open world. 



    Horse controls? Once you figure things out in TotK, the idea of using a fucking lame ass horse becomes completely laughable! There are much more... spectacular ways to travel!


    A lot of the history of the Lands Between is told in the item descriptions and the design of world. The obscure sidequests tell the rest of the story, which you're probably not going to piece together on your first playthrough because of how random they are to finish. The story is actually good though, when you get the shortcut version on Youtube and you're not dying 100x between cutscenes and dialogue.

  12. 22 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

    I’m not opposed to remakes. I think OOT has good “bones” plot wise that if they wanted to turn it into a massive open world game I’d absolutely be all for it. 

    I liked the 3DS nod to LTTP but it’d be great if they just went whole hog into something without the sort of pseudo remake they did. 

    At this point though I trust that team inherently - they’ll have way better ideas for a new game than my dumb ass could ever come up with. 


    Give OoT the LA treatment with full graphical overhaul, tighter controls, and seamless overworld. But I'd also really love to see full voice acting.

  13. They had some typos when they announced the name of the game and just ran with it. What they meant to call it was Overwatch f2p, because this definitely isn't a sequel. 


    We were all fools to believe they could do it when they've barely been able to release new content that wasn't a buggy mess, took them 2 seasons to reskin old maps for the new engine, and we just reached map count parity with OW1. If dropping PVE means better content per season then I'm fine with it 



  14. BotW and TotK took the original concept from NES Zelda (here are tools, you can go anywhere, now figure out how to beat the game) and perfected it using 30 years of game development.


    I honestly don't know where I want them to go next.  I'd be happy enough to see the hookshot return as a grappling hook system similar to wrecking ball in overwatch or pathfinder from apex, where you can use momentum to swing from a point.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:


    Rosalina starts selling star bits cut with poison mushrooms, Toads are dying left and right, and only the Mario boys can clean these mean streets. Anything’s possible with family and whatnot.


    The mysterious Jigsaw uses his music box to put our heroes into a slumber. When they wake in a strange metamorphic room, a roll of the dice determine their fate as they battle the odds, and each other, in tests of strength, skill, and wits.  There can be only one winner. This is not your daddy's Mario Party.

  16. 12 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    So to progress the story the dungeons opened up for me with the yellow beacons on the map. Can you tackle the dungeons really early on or should you advance with hearts and stamina first?


    3 stamina upgrades help with platforming tension. 6+ hearts will keep you from getting one shot. I wouldn't enter the dungeon unupgraded unless you want to relive your Elden Ring experience.

    • Thanks 1
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