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Posts posted by Moa

  1. 18 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

    You must not watch much tv. 


    Young Sheldon doesn't turn years worth of investment into disappointment. The show had been going downhill for a while, but this last episode was orders of magnitude worse than any of the previous stuff.  


    I do have two positive things to say about the episode though. The first is that I liked that the battle was a complete and total rout, and the second was that Clegainebowl happened.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    It felt anticlimactic to me after she predicted her own death is all. Like, it’s not much of a prediction if you’re either getting killed by undead or killing yourself if you survive. At least the writers didn’t wuss-out and have her do some massive breath of life on many that died which kills her... because when she started walking out there it was my first thought with a “really?” :p 

    She was literally a plot device the whole time, so naturally once her plot is resolved she resolves herself.

  3. 10 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

    Coincidentally, I've been on a King Crimson binge lately. 


    Have not seen Mandy though. I've been writing it off as full blown silly hipster-ism to be honest but maybe it's time to give it a shot. 

    If by hipsterism you mean people ironically liking Nicholas Cage movies thinking it's an interesting personality trait, I'm with you, but I think Mandy was good despite Cage's distracting history.

  4. Mandy


    This is probably the most inexplicable movie I've ever seen. The cinematography, direction, and what I would broadly call the tone of the movie is creeping dread and cosmic horror complete with murky night skies, long silences, reverb, and brilliant double exposures, but the actual plot content seems like something ripped from Slayer lyrics. The movie constantly subverts and undermines its beauty with sequences where it appears to turn and smile at the camera, a la Blue Velvet, and much of it strains already strained credulity. It seemed to be in constant conflict with itself, but somehow instead of becoming a schizoid mess, it ultimately coheres in a way that doesn't really make sense to me.


    4/4 two sign of the horns way up


    It also got me listening to King Crimson again.


    Russian Doll


    Natasha Lyonne carried the show. It was competent as hell, and I'm always down for more Groundhog Day, but like my high-school essays, it never went above and beyond and went somewhere truly new.



  5. 1 hour ago, Greatoneshere said:

    This article (which I don't fully agree with, to be fair) gets to some of my underlying issues I was trying to express earlier with season 7 and now parts of season 8, despite there also being plenty to still like, to be clear. The very "this is going full Hollywood route" in terms of character interactions while ignoring the past because it's giving the audience what they want because it's the end of the show. I get that a mutual threat (the White Walkers) and this being the end of the show are compelling reasons why things are coming together the way they are (and Cersei being in the back there means things may come back to more difficult conversations/interactions) but it's just something to be aware of.



    The white walkers made every decision binary which removes what made the early seasons of the show so compelling. The character interactions have been fun, but the show has gotten very Marvel.

  6. The chaos system kind of turns me off these games. If I'm playing a first person action game I want to RIP and TEAR not think about the consequences of my actions. I only played dishonored 1, but I felt like it encouraged me to play it in the least fun way.

  7. 2 hours ago, Ghost_MH said:


    No way he even gets the opportunity to consider it. He'll get to Winterfell around the same time the dead do, if he's lucky. The only possible explanation for sending him off was to get him killed in the war so Cersei can reclaim any of the money he was promised or given. If he does try to kill her brothers, yay. If he chooses not to and betrays her, she can reclaim his wealth. If he dies, she can reclaim his wealth. The only downside is that she loses a single sword, but his loyalty was already questionable, so it's not much if a loss.

    The downside is that if they don't die then they will unite against her, and if they do die then sending Bronn was unnecessary.

  8. 3 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

    lol, Bronn isn't doing shit to Tyrion or Jaime. It's a plot device to get him to Winterfell for the big battle.


    This was such a weird direction. They can't possibly expect the audience to believe that Cersei thinks Bronn would kill Jaime or Tyrion. It has to be a ploy, but even then, it's a pretty shit ploy.


    Also, as far as crazy fan theories go, if the night king isn't Bran I'll admit I was wrong. They look soooooooo much alike. 

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