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Federal court orders EPA to stop allowing use of pesticide that the agency's own review said causes health issues in children

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A federal court on Thursday ordered the EPA to stop allowing a pesticide to be used that advocates and the agency's own review have said causes health issues in children.


The pesticide chlorpyrifos is used on crops including corn, fruits, and nuts. Research and EPA evaluations have said it is harmful to children and farm workers who are exposed to it, but the government opted to allow some levels of the chemicals and previously denied petitions to ban it completely.


In a 2-1 decision a federal appeals court in California said the EPA had to reverse that denial and revoke all accepted levels and registrations for the pesticide in 60 days, essentially prohibiting it from being used.

The ruling is a big win for groups that represent farm workers who have said they and their families are being made sick by working with the pesticide.


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