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Posts posted by eggydoo

  1. 14 minutes ago, bladimir2k said:

    Join that PC LFG discord group.. literally just completed leviathan in an hour and actually had midnight coup drop in dogs!


    - They either changed heavy drops or its bugged... barely any heavy drops for yellow bars right now in the Raid, not sure if it's like that anywhere else

    - They changed the revive timer from 30 seconds to 2:30 seconds in the raid

    Yep they said heavy rarely drops at all now.  Hope they bring back synths.

  2. 21 minutes ago, NeoJoe said:

    I have a couple of hours today before work and before the reset. Going to try and get into a farming group but no luck on LFG so far. :(


    You can always hang out on Mars in the meantime.  When you see a full fireteam load in, usually good indication and I just join in.  Try other LFGs too like on Reddit.  


    Who else is excited the shotty meta will probably be back for Crucible?



  3. 28 minutes ago, Anzo said:

    I’d love a free shirt as much as the next guardian but that would some serious financial hurt on Bungie. I’d rather they put that $$ into game development than a low quality shirt. 


    People buy them though, myself included. I bought the past two shirts but decided to pass on this one. They were all over PAX last year. I imagine there will be far less this year though. 

    The quality that bad on them?  I've never bought any of the previous ones.

  4. 25 minutes ago, mo1518 said:


    You did two runs and think the drop rates are bs? I did 30 or 40 before getting all three. Lucky for you they added RNG protection in one of the recent patches. Each run without a weapon drop increases the drop chance on your next run. Wear a "increase loot chance from public events" ghost shell while you're doing it. 


    Not me personally, more in the lines of out of 16 chances, no one got it.  30-40 times sounds horrible.  Thanks for the tip, I was wondering if there was something to increase chances like a 3oC.


    41 minutes ago, Anzo said:

    Well a preemptive Happy Birthday to you!


  5. 2 minutes ago, Anzo said:

    Bungie Gamescome stream was a nothing burger other than this. 


    Everyone can play Gambit on Sept 1 for one day only. Right when I’m at PAX ?


    Right haha, such  a terrible presentation.  I will be not be home that day as well since it will be my bday, but whatever, only 3 days before it's released.

  6. 1 hour ago, Anzo said:

    We were farming EP over the weekend and I did not find that to be the case. I believe you only get fragments from other activities like strikes, nightfalls, the raid etc. 


    Just googled farming EP and didn't know the loot drops from the boss and you can reset it if you kill him at 0 timer.  Was it hard to pull off?

  7. 1 hour ago, bladimir2k said:

    Better to LFG on PC to be honest, the few times I tried to find people randomly I was traveling back and forth between areas for a good time and never found enough people that were doing it. Also most LFG groups want to farm the boss, if you find a random group they are more likely to kill it once and everyone leaves.

    Ah ok, the drops that bad?  I'm assuming you can get a new key by the time you reach lvl 7 to repeat.

  8. 7 minutes ago, bladimir2k said:

    Yes scorched is a new mode they are testing out in crucible labs... I'm going to assume since no one plays crucible labs, since it was such a letdown, it's the reason for long MM times.


    As far as EP shotty, hardest part is getting a 9 team together... you can probably do it with a 6 person team as long as they know how to do, e.g. tractor cannon, void warlock, titan Metling point, etc... also if they know how to farm. Let me know when you are planning to do it and if i'm free i'll join up, I tried a few times and no luck.

    I plan on just looking at LFG and prob sitting on Mars hoping a big group shows up like last time.  I need to finish finding all the memories anyway.

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