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Posts posted by SilentWorld

  1. 37 minutes ago, Jose said:


    Not everyone is a pure  life insurance agent. Some work as financial planners and some work as fee for consultation brokers. The latter still recommend whole life because it's a great part of a diversified portfolio. The reason I push back is because he said the commission came out of the product, which I have yet to see any evidence of. That's just disingenuous.


    I provided you a link saying exactly that, so I don’t know why you’re calling it “disingenuous.”



    3 hours ago, Jose said:


    Or the notion that the policy itself pays the agent? These are all lies amd your lack of evidence shows that.


    I'm surprised that you're pushing back so much on this (going as far as to call that other dude a liar). I thought it was common knowledge that insurance salesmen get paid on commission and are considered to be one step above used car salesmen (or below depending on who you're asking) . 


    Here you go:


    Commissions vary by policy and company, but life insurance agents often receive 80% to 100% of the first year’s policy premium as commission. 


    “In fact, most of the time companies are in the hole in the first year,” notes Glenn Daily, a fee-only insurance advisor in New York City. Those commissions and other costs are why most permanent life insurance policies, such as whole life insurance, build no cash value in the first year.



    In general, whole life insurance is a TERRIBLE idea if there's any possibility you will cancel the policy in the short term (if you cancel in the short term there are significant fees that pretty much eat up the whole value of the policy)... pretty bad if you might cancel the policy in the medium term (if you cancel after 10 years, you'll basically get your principal back)... and borderline ok* if you 100% know you'll keep the policy for 20+ years.


    The main benefits of a whole life policy are tax sheltered growth, and the fact that life insurance payouts are not subject to estate tax. So, for very wealthy people, whole life goes from being "borderline ok" to a pretty good idea. 


    *Whole life is a bundled product -- life insurance PLUS an investment product. When I say it's borderline ok, what I mean is this: After 20 years, you'll end up with a cash value roughly about the same as if you had taken your premiums SUBTRACTED the premiums of a term 20 life insurance policy and invested the remainder in bonds. So... when I say it's borderline ok, that's ONLY true if you actually want/need life insurance. If you don't need/want it, then you'd be better off investing the cost of the premium elsewhere. My sister bought whole life on her freaking baby! What a stupid idea! Why does a baby need life insurance. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Jwheel86 said:

    3 of the 4 most successful politicians in the last decade were Obama, Sanders, and Trump. They all have one thing in common: a year or two before they entered their campaigns NOBODY in DC politics thought they had a chance and laughed at anyone who said they did. There is a universal anger in this country on left and right because the relief valve of politics, the moderates, can't function as actual moderates without losing the only reason they got there: the money. Lieberman knew he was fucked in Connecticut without insurance company money backing him. When moderates can't function the electorate will only go more extreme in search for someone to fix it: for the left that was Obama then Sanders, for the right it was Trump. 


    Obama's failure to go after money in politics is what led to Trump. 


    who's the fourth?

  4. 14 minutes ago, Scape Zero said:


    Wait what the fuck? Why is he calling him a pedo? Is there missing context here, or is he just having a break down?


    There's no missing context. Thailand is a hot spot for sex tourism and for child sex tourism and there is a stereotype (that's not entirely untrue) about the kind of expats that live there. But there's no reason to say that this guy specifically is a pedo or even a sex tourist. 

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