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Posts posted by Anzo

  1. 15 minutes ago, Brick said:

    How do the different classes differ from each other, and how do they differ from the main game? 

    In the broadest sense most classes, from a combat perspective, are the same. Swords, ghost weapons, movement etc. They specialize as follows:


    Samurai- dps, tank

    Hunter - crowd control, ranged combat

    Ronin - healing, revival

    Assassin - stealth, dps


    Each has access to a unique class item and ultimate ability. 

  2. On 6/24/2020 at 6:08 PM, sexy_shapiro said:

    I’m sorry for assuming you haven’t seen it, but you don’t get to call me douchebkzzle, you fucking twat. It just seems like someone who is that big enough fan would understand why I’m bothered.


    You are privileged enough to see the show twice, so it makes sense that you aren’t sympathetic enough to those like me who can’t afford to see the show and have been waiting for this recording to drop for years. That explains your classist attitudes.

    When he said see it in the theater in Oct 2021, he meant the movie theater, when it was originally scheduled to release. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Whether or not it's overkill really depends on your group, I think. A "normal" playthrough will probably be 50+ missions. My group shoots the shit a lot as we play and we don't play Gloomhaven exclusively, so we're probably a year+ / 20+ missions in. If your team binges multiple missions per session and plays a few times a week, you'll go through it more quickly.

    In all likelihood it will be my 15 year old and I (he’s big into D&D). Maybe my 10 year old but it might be too complex for him. My 12 year old daughter that’s said she would probably do a couple missions with us. Maybe she’ll get hooked though! 

  4. 1 hour ago, Spork3245 said:
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    Yea, I agree. Also, in that other thread there was a claim that there’s two Sephiroths - I didn’t get that impression at all (he was using the mimic ability of the Jenova cells in the reunion guys to have fakes of himself move around, certainly, though... but, not actually two of him). I do have the impression that this Sephiroth somehow has the knowledge of the OG FF7 and is actively trying to “change destiny” (ie: reaching out to Cloud a lot more through the Jenova cells in the early game to make him almost miss meeting Aerith). It’s been awhile since I’ve watched it, but, in Advent Children I remember it being shown that Sephiroth survives death because he can’t fully be absorbed into the mako stream and uses his Jenova cells to “regrow” after a period of time: my assumption is that he found a way to merge his future memories into his old self(s...?) through that stream. Anyway, this gives them a way to actually stop him for good.


    yeah I didn’t get that impression about Sephiroth at all either. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Now watch that video I posted a couple posts above!

    Just watched it. 
    Spoilers thoughts below. 


    I completely understand that people are upset that they are potentially changing everything up. As others have said, I just don’t hold it to be a sacred cow that many do. As the final chapter was playing out and the flashes of the original game played out, I got excited. It felt like they were honoring the original game. Those events happened. SE just wants to explore other stories with these characters in an alternate timeline. I didn’t necessarily love the ending of the original so I’m not mad about the stark changes.


    The last chapter, Sephiroth fight etc was anime as hell. But I love anime soooooo...didn’t bother me.


    i can totally see how long time fans are upset at this turn of events. That’s a valid opinion. I’m eager for the next one. They will probably screw it up royally but we will see I guess  


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