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Posts posted by TheLeon

  1. I get that the True Detective name is valuable, but I feel like this season would’ve been more successful if it was completely its own thing. For me, this show was at its worst when it was trying to be True Detective. Take out the references that don’t really add anything, remove the burden of living up to that first season (which even the original creator couldn’t do) and just let it be a moody Alaska mystery. I think people would’ve tuned in to a Jodie Foster-led HBO series called Night Country, but I’m not a TV executive, so what do I know? :shrug:

    Overall, I didn’t love it, but it sounds like I enjoyed it a little more than y’all. I liked the unique setting and vibe enough that I’m not especially disappointed with the particulars of the case or how it was solved. I like how the spirit/force that avenged Annie K’s death was actually just the women of the town.


    Oh, and I think it’s time that we, as a society, take a nice long break from slowed down moody covers of pop songs. That really hit a hit a breaking point with me when the Eagle-Eye Cherry cover dropped at the end of episode 5.

    • Halal 1
  2. 11 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

    I don't make six figures, but I also live an incredibly spartan lifestyle. Almost everything I own except for what little furniture I have could fit in a couple duffle bags.

    I’m not quite at that level, but my rent and general cost of living is low enough that I can get by on my current pay without much worry. Money is a long term concern, not a short term “can I afford to eat this week” one. 

    • Halal 2
  3. 18 minutes ago, Fizzzzle said:

    That's why I usually tell people to start with 7 or Memories of Celceta - because they're short like the older ones, but they feel modern like the newer ones.

    Definitely tried both of those back in the day. The PSP/Vita was where I first trying to get into the series (also had Oath in Felghana I believe).  I have a couple on Steam (1&2, Origin), bought 8 on Switch, played some of 9 on PS+… 8 is the only one I stuck with for more than a couple hours.

    I dunno, they just don’t click with me, which is fine. But I’m sure after X gets great reviews and I see it on sale, I’ll try again. :p

  4. 7 hours ago, best3444 said:


    See. That's where I fail. I don't have a brain like yours to do this. Nice job!

    It’s the same mindset that’s helpful for all of their games. When you reach a roadblock and what you’ve been doing up to that point doesn’t get the job done, try a different approach. In the Souls games or Elden Ring, that might require grinding to level up in order to be able to use a different weapon/spell, or finding some specific item or armor set somewhere in the world. It’s so much easier here because everything is just at the shop. You don’t have to use a rare item to respec or any of that arcane nonsense. Just buy a bunch of parts, slap ‘em together, see what works. And since you can sell parts at no loss, there’s no buyer’s remorse.

    So far (just completed chapter 3), I wouldn’t call it easy, but that freedom of experimentation keeps it from being too frustrating in my book.

    • Halal 1
  5. I was about to come here and complain about a bullshit fight (AA22 Heavy Cavalry Warrant Officer) but first I tried entirely switching up my strategy by going head-on with the beefiest tank build I could assemble. Took him out the first time that way. It was sloppy (haven’t used a tank build since the tutorial), and my terminal armor was active so I was at 1hp, but hey, a win is a win! 

    This game is incredible.

    • Halal 1
    • Hype 1
  6. 7 hours ago, LazyPiranha said:

    Im not saying it doesn’t make sense, I’m saying she’s looks like a totally different person.

    I definitely had a moment where I thought “why did they hire this lookalike instead of just getting Grande?”

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