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Posts posted by Uaarkson

  1. 1 minute ago, Eggman76 said:


    Point being, I think everyone can express at least enough compassion (though not empathy) to allow them priority in taking and keeping the jobs they want that nobody who likes things like education and culture want to do.


    And to be fair, I would say this also goes for Trump supporters/sympathizers who don't want jobs that are low quality of life because they think they're above them or whatever, but that's a bit more difficult of a thing to resolve.

    what in the fuck does any of that have to do with the topic of this thread bro 

  2. 1 minute ago, Eggman76 said:



    Even if they're bigoted or whatever, they clearly also value working hard more than something like a UBI. They literally chose to will that reality into existence over a more social and compassionate economy.  Bernie Yang's policies would have favored not workingforcing anyone to work low quality of life jobs or die, but they still chose to die for Trump and hard work for whatever silly reason. 


    So...if we're going to remain a capitalist system a while longer, I say let 'em work.  

    okay? I believe this thread was about demonizing trump supporters, not whether or not they should have blue collar jobs ???

  3. 2 minutes ago, Eggman76 said:


    Regardless of how supporting of hate these folks are or aren't, they will still technically live on the same soil as us for a long time and we all still live in a capitalist society for now. Until that's gone, they would need to contribute in some way.  Hopefully they become de-radicalized but many will not, and they need to eat too.  And many seem to strongly want to work jobs that most do not.  You're saying it's oppressive to grant them priority in obtaining/keeping these low quality of life jobs they desire, ones that those leaning more towards academia-based politics don't want to do?  

    I haven’t said anything. In fact, I’m still trying to figure out exactly what you’re trying to say.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Eggman76 said:


    Of course not everyone who does blue collar work is a bigot.  I don;t no many progressives who want to do that work tbh and would say life circumstances due to capitalism pushed them into it or whatever, but be that as it may, there are many who ARE willing to have and strongly desire these jobs.  Who are you to say they shouldn't have them?  And if so, what would you suggest be done with these folks?



     So you would say they should get to keep those jobs?  Well, then we agree.  Why the fuss?

    why the fuss? are you fucking serious bro?

  5. Just now, Eggman76 said:


     If you think their jobs should be taken because you're jealous of them having them, what would you suggest be done here?  You want these people to die in the street or woods?  Or you want them to be in jobs with higher social and political responsibility that many of these people seem uninterested in in the first place?  How in your opinion does this issue get resolved?

    I don’t think their jobs should be taken. What a weird post.

  6. 1 minute ago, Eggman76 said:

    I'll say it. A lot of trump supporters are hard-working, salt of the earth fine folk with economic anxiety simply because they're afraid of losing their jobs.  It was heartbreaking seeing so many mislead but well meaning blue collar people brave a pandemic just to protest keeping those jobs some months back.  While I disagree with them on some stuff and am too wimpy and unqualified to do such jobs as mining, janitorial services, construction, waste management, truck-driving, delivery, service industry, factory work, electricians, AC repair, elevator inspection, etc myself.... if they're so flustered over losing those jobs in the current capitalist system that we live in, then I for one have compassion for their struggle and say they should get to keep them, and despite all of the anger directed at them I send thoughts and prayers and positivity for the rest of their days. <3

    aww that’s cute :guillotine: NOT

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