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Posts posted by Rodimus

  1. My good friend that never takes my gaming advice but always asks for it. When he does though thanks me and admits I was right. Well he recently got a Nintendo Switch and is playing through Zelda Breath of the wild. He like classic castlevania and classic Metroid aka never played prime or SotN. He also has a PS4. When he got the PS4 pro horizon zero dawn came out. He asked me what game to really show off and enjoy his new PS4. I told him that game instead he bought psnow and streamed ps3 games. 

    so he has been asking about what castlevania games he should play and Metroid games. I still tell him to play SotN but to deaf ears. Well he is hot for Switch. Asking the same thing. He also would like a Metroid to play like breath of the wild.


    i told him get bloodstained both of them. I told him it is as castlevania as you can get.


    i also told him I found it funny he asks about this genre of games because there are so many metroidvania indie games on the switch. What are some others I could suggest he may ignore?


    It’s not clear what happened here, but one thing is clear: Venezuela’s story doesn’t add up. For one, Resolute was 13 nautical miles off the coast of Isla de Tortuga, and territorial waters extend up to 12 miles.

    Plus, an unarmed cruise ship that takes no aggressive action can't be an aggressor and commit “piracy” against an armed navy patrol boat. Finally, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre is a non-partisan agency that would have records of it giving Resolute permission to leave the scene.

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