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Posts posted by mclumber1

  1. 15 minutes ago, ort said:

    I think the boat is owned by a company in Hong Kong but operated and maintained by a different company based out of Singapore which is a shell company (actually it's multiple shell companies, like a shell company inception) that's been setup specifically to shield the parent companies involved from things just like this.


    I'm no expert on international law, but I think it's going to be complicated.


    You are probably right.  Which is why it's a good thing that the federal government is pledging that they will front the cost of cleaning up the wreckage and rebuilding the bridge.  Clawing the money from these companies could take years. 

  2. 1 minute ago, ort said:


    I saw an interesting take from a guy who works on ships like these. This is some sort of modern super ship that's designed to be as big as possible while still fitting through the Panama Canal. There aren't actually many of these ships in service. Margins are so tight in the international shipping industry that most of them are run by overworked skeleton crews and are poorly maintained. Stopping to properly service things costs time and money so they do the bare minimum.


    It possible the crew didn't do anything egregiously wrong, but were victims of circumstance, tight budget and poor training.


    If a lack of maintenance is the cause for this incident, then I would hope the state and federal government sue the shit out of the company who operates this vessel to cover the cost of replacing the bridge as well as payouts to all of the families who lost their loved ones.  

    • Halal 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

    Imagine being this fucking stupid.




    Maybe you can help out, but how debatable is it that the quality of life, economic output, and personal freedoms in West Germany far outpaced East Germany? And the same is true to this day on the Korean peninsula.  

    Only thing I would add is that South Korea was absolutely a dictatorship for the first few decades of its existence.  Since liberalization and democratization, South Korea has leapfrogged its communist brother in every measurable way. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

    It's like if two clones need to run a 100m race to get a job, but one clone got spit out of the vat as Chris Christie, and the other is Usain Bolt. 


    Also, most examples I see of "unfair" hiring (usually women or POC over a cis white man) are cases where:

    - Both candidates meet the requirements

    - The cis, white man scored 99.9% and the other scored 99.8%


    I hire people all the time, and I can tell you with 100% certainty that the people "most qualified" for a job are often the biggest assholes and you don't want them on your team. You want someone that meets certain base requirements, and then you want other non-tangible things that will help the team succeed. That includes diversity of experience and background to bring different insights to a group.


    I agree.  It's not just the "what" a person does or has done, it's "how" they accomplish those things.  I have passed up hiring applicants in the past because it was clear that even if they were highly talented and skilled, they'd burn every bridge along their path. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ricofoley said:

    Does the Biden admin think that because the vote was bipartisan that Gen Z is not gonna hold it against Biden? Because I definitely wouldn't count on that.


    Gen Z has the attention span that rivals the length of a TikTok video, so I'm assuming Biden will be fine come November. 

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