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Posts posted by silentbob

  1. Apparently he has tapes of almost all his interviews for this book, along with written notes and other “receipts” to back his book up. I think the fact that the stories really haven’t changed from these 3 books is also pretty damning to the White House credibility that will be ignored by his loyal minions.

  2. GET OUT 3.5/5


    its a bit slow but the payoff is well worth the wait. Plus I started to notice the little hints afterwards as to where we would end up in the end. 




    These are guilty pleasures of a movie, but the 3D was amazing. Plus watching it stoned was different. Although it wasn’t as cool as . . . .


    FANTASIA 2000 3.5/5


    ok I have to say being stoned watching this with the music and colours was so damn relaxing. Would of liked a few more segments of music as it is a pretty short runtime. Still the opening and final musical segments were just beautiful 


    ***strain I was on was Cinderella 99. . . .if you were wondering

  3. 2 hours ago, Chairslinger said:

    When Trump starts starts telling everyone him and McCain were best buddies because John came to him, apologized, and told he was the best(believe me, believe me) I hope McCain left a posthumous message to release to tell everyone how full of shit Trump is.


    We already see it kind of happening with that half decent Tweet.


    Well he planned his own funeral service and asked George W. Bush and Obama to do his eulogy but has banned Trump from even attending his services. I say that is a pretty big Fuck You to Trump 

    PQ: 5/5
    3D: 4.75/5
    AQ: 5/5*

    This was my 2nd time watching since it came out in theatre and enjoyed it even more this time around. This is pure geekiness that is right up my alley. Different tone but watching my childhood and video games come to life on the big screen. Well, it gave me the same nerdy feelings like when I saw Scott Pilgrim for the first time. (haven’t read the book but my friend says there are even more references and so much better than the movie. Well aren’t they all) Anyways the video is stunning and being mostly CGI will do that. The 3D is one of best releases this year with great depth, separation and some occasional mild/medium pop outs. *The audio on the 3D disc is good and even great with Neural: X is applied to the DTS-HDMA track, but every other disc got the amazing Dolby Atmos track. So I easily recommend everyone see this movie and try to see it in 3D.

  5. THE MEG 3D 2/5


    It should of been called The Meh! It is a cheesy B movie but it needed more gore and better original shark ideas. The 3D was ok and wish they could of done more with it for scares and scale of The Meg itself. I would best describe it as a Lake Placid type of film with danger and laughs along the way. Although unlike The Meg I actually enjoyed Lake Placid and would recommend renting/streaming that instead.

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