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Posts posted by Scott

  1. Dems are gonna fuck this up, aren't they?



    Edit -


    I think Warren/Pete is the right answer.


    She's got actual policy ideas, she's a "firebrand" or whatever and will hit back at Trump's schoolyard shit, she's obviously passionate, they're both articulate, he's a veteran, she's a woman, he's gay, one's old, the other's young, etc. etc. Neither one should give the sense that we're being force-fed another tired, careerist politician (Biden). Biden's gonna look like a doddering old man with a checkered past, and will once again only garner the support of people who were gonna vote (D) no matter what. He's not gonna inspire anyone to vote for the first time or switch from Republican to Democrat. With regard to voting outcomes, I think he'd be a lot like Clinton.

  2. I agree with Bill Maher in that Democratic candidates should spend as much time as possible on Fox. Those viewers likely don’t click over to CNN and MSNBC to see the other end of the political spectrum. Their only exposure to Democrats is whatever gets filtered through Hannity, Tucker, and Trump. Rather than take a principled stand against Fox, Dems oughta infiltrate it. 

  3. On 4/25/2019 at 8:59 PM, Jason said:

    she sends a second text that was longer than this but can be summed up as, "So I was gonna talk about this tomorrow, but I don't see that there's the spark for this becoming something more serious." 


    Talk about whiplash. :/




    Hate to drop pop psychology on you in a trying time, but this article has helped steer me through some rocky moments in my relationship history.


    When it's the right person, it won't be this hard.


    If she doesn't feel "fuck yes" for you very soon, I say rip this band-aid off and quit wasting time with someone who isn't going to end up being The Real Thing.


    I pushed the decaying husk of a doomed relationship forward for a year or more, trying to convince both of us that it would work. Wish someone had slapped me in the face before I wasted all that time. Pull the rip cord, and let time heal the wound. Hit the gym, embrace a hobby, go for a hike, call an old friend. Put one foot in front of the other until you look up and forget what it was you were so upset about. Best of luck, amigo.

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