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Posts posted by LazyPiranha

  1. People once again have some weird definitions of things.  That remarkably bland tweet about TB is pretty dame far removed from "dancing on his grave."  I also hope I'm not the only one here to see the irony in the exact same people demanding a woman be fired for being a dick probably had zero problems with the things TB said to make people upset with him and probably told those people to get over it.


    My problem with the take people are going with here is that "if this was the first incident I'd feel differently but... I'm just going to assume it isn't" is an extra step you don't need to take.  Why assume this isn't the first time?  Why are you inventing a narrative that takes the company off of the hook based on pure conjecture?

  2. 16 minutes ago, Scape Zero said:


    She set thousands of her followers after a person for "*sightly* disagreeing" with her in a respectful way, calling them sexist.


    I'm sure if all she said was her first remark, she would have been fine. However throwing that post up in front of her 10k followers, calling the person sexist, is a bad fucking look for a company. ANet doesn't want to be known as the company that supports their developers targeting harassment at their customers for respectfully disagreeing with them. It's a bad look.


    She didn’t not “set thousands of followers” on the guy.  She did not state or even imply that this person should be hounded or bothered.  There is no targeted harassment on her part at all, unless you call every single negative response on twitter to be targeted harassment.  You can’t just go around claiming that any time a person with a decent following throws some shade in someone’s direction that suddenly it means they are intentionally calling for an online crusade against them.  


    Now, that mass emailing of ANet and the concern trolling, that shit was targeted harassment .  The dipshits gloating that they can stomp their feet and get anyone they dislike fired, that’s targeted harassment .  Being mildly shitty to one person online is not.

  3. Can someone point out to me the firing worthy offense here?  Being a salty asshole on twitter now is grounds for losing your job as opposed to any other disciplinary action?  Yes, it was absolutely a stupid thing to do and engage in, and she handled it poorly, but an outright termination is just absurd.  


    Also, let’s not pretend there isn’t a shitty angry mob of dipshits that eagerly jump into whatever torch wielding mob is aimed at yet another woman in game dev.  Did this start off as a targeted campaing against someone?  Doesn’t seem to be that way, but it sure got its signal boosted way past where it normally would have been because of the same ridiculous chodes that are whining about authenticity in Battlefield because of the wimenz in it.

  4. People have a real loose definition of having their life "ruined."


    First of all, very recent memory should absolutely tell people that many, many people have zero problem bouncing back from this sort of thing especially when you have veritable armies of people willing to write endless thought pieces on the injustice of the accused male.  I'm pretty sure the writers at Reason can't climax unless they're actively writing a blatantly hypocritical piece attacking an accuser based on incomplete information.  


    Besides, where are the actual ruined lives that people scream about?  That mattress case guy is out there making a living in film supposedly, not addicted to smack under some overpass turning tricks for petty cash.  


    Should this woman be prosecuted, stopped from spreading this bullshit, and all that?  Absolutely and you'll hear no argument from me to the contrary.  I just find it absurd that a person who hasn't even started his adult life and is still in school is somehow claiming the entire thing has gone up in flames.

  5. Handmaids Tale Season 2 - 6.5/10


    They're clearly trying to find their pace after they ran out of book to adapt.  Lots of things just don't really make sense in the context of the show.  It's kind of crazy that Canada has this whole "we believe the women" moment because they got a bunch of letters, meanwhile they've got thousands of refuges from Gilead who would be telling them the same stuff in person for years.

  6. Hitman 9/10


    I fell into a rut trying to get full mastery on Marrakesh and got distracted by other games, but coming back to it I had forgotten just how good it was and how well balanced they made everything.  The stupid humor is just off the charts and it never fails to surprise you with new things to do.  The only thing holding  it back from perfection is the god awful menu system.  

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