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Jack of Some Trades
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Posts posted by Emblazon

  1. 8 hours ago, Jason said:


    I'm saying that when someone posts a giant Facebook video that one of us can go into the post and just manually edit the

    height: 1677px

    part down to something more reasonable, since as Riley said it's not like we get a ton of Facebook video posts.


    I don't believe there's any way to edit that. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Captain Pickle said:


    sorry you guys were raises as classless ketchup kidz

    IPAs are the laziest beer a brewmaster can make. It's why they're everywhere and dirt cheap. The general masses just have poor taste. 


    If IPAs were a movie franchise, they'd be the Tyler Perry movies. :lol:

  3. 1 minute ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I mean, I wasn't saying Microsoft = fast and Mac = slow, just that I am decently faster on Windows than on Mac, not that Mac is slow by comparison. But I haven't met many who felt Mac was faster was all. Maybe it is, I'll have to learn more for sure but the shortcuts, etc. on Windows is pretty blisteringly fast. But totally I should learn more than if you are this adamant. :)


    While Mac OS is great on other Macs, it's specifically the 15" MBP with the touch bar that really puts everything over the top. Trackpad gestures, contextual touch bar, the way multiple desktops are set up (especially with multiple monitors), and the versatility of the finder window. 


    Using the touch bar to add and remove color tags to items in the finder window literally made me giggle the first time I saw I was able to do that. :sun:

  4. 6 minutes ago, Jason said:

    The embed code allows you to control height (and presumably width? but it seems like height at least scales width). I went to edit Fright's post and it was defaulted to 1677 px height.


    <div class="ipsEmbeddedOther" contenteditable="false">
    	<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="ipsEmbed_finishedLoading" data-controller="core.front.core.autosizeiframe" data-embedid="embed1288333918" scrolling="no" src="https://www.dayonepatch.com/index.php?app=core&amp;module=system&amp;controller=embed&amp;url=https://www.facebook.com/m.i.a.paperplanes/videos/1909901335697359/" style="overflow: hidden; height: 1677px;"></iframe>

    So maybe a mod or admin could just edit the height on the rare occasion this comes up.

    That's the Element Style, which can't be edited via CSS. 


    I can try to find a happy medium. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Jason said:


    Super weird for them to drop this out of nowhere. But at least this means I should be good to go on my September laptop update. :sun:

    32 GB of RAM, too. That would have been nice for me, but I'm not complaining. I used to be a CBR only kind of guy, but since the MBP only uses Hardware Acceleration for VBR, I've switched over to single-pass VBR, and with the Hardware Acceleration the MBP absolutely tears through encodes.


    EDIT: WTF is "Core i9"???

  6. 17 minutes ago, Jason said:


    Now Twitter embeds are squished. :(


    How so? They look fine to me. Just smaller... and now actual Twitter sized, not oversized. The themes don't separate between Twitter and Facebook--they all fall under "Other", so we can't have one set one way and the other set another, unfortunately. It's a similar conundrum to video embeds on desktop and mobile.:(

  7. Now, I will wholeheartedly agree that the Mac internals is what holds back the Mac line of computers. It's the only reason I have a Windows workstation at home--for the price I paid, I got a significantly faster computer than if I would have purchased a Mac. It boggles my mind that Apple can be on the forefront of so much technology, but then be ok with using previous gen internals for their computers AND charging a premium. If the operating system wasn't a complete godsend, I'd have told Apple to fuck off long ago.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    Honestly my experience has been the exact opposite, whee dual screening with Windows is easier for me than Macs. My wife is a Mac lover, and even she agrees that if she could learn Windows (her watching how I use it) she would, but she's used Macs so long that's what she's comfortable with.


    I'm not saying Macs don't do some things better, but most serious coders and tech heads that I know use open source systems (Windows, Linux, etc.). I'm not trying to hate, if you like Apple great! Was just speaking to my own experiences was all. You're a very standoffish fellow lol. 


    No, it's just that your response isn't being objective. Google is populated with mostly Macs. My home workstation is a PC on Windows 10. If you dive in and really learn to use the Mac OS, it's unequivocally quicker to navigate around the computer than it is on Windows. I'm not talking being able to use third party applications, or customize the way the computer functions beyond original recognition--I'm talking what the operating systems gave you, and working with that. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


    I'm not sure what kind of work you do but it's unquestionable that if you are an expert with Windows that it is easily faster and easier to use than a Mac. As an expert in both, I can tell you that at least personally a Mac feels slow to me. It's closed OS is such a limit. Just my .02. Everyone should use what works best for them of course. 


    By usability, I mean quickly opening apps, navigating between apps and app windows, and the usefulness of the finder/explorer windows.


    The multiple desktop implementation on Windows is atrocious. Using the trackpad to switch between desktops, app windows, and all windows is as quick as can be on Mac OS. Color coding items in the finder window saves a ridiculous amount of time when working with a large number of files--you simply can't do that on Windows. Hell, launching apps is quicker on Mac OS--Spotlight Search is unparalleled--Command + Spacebar, and say I want to open Excel--I type the letter "e" and Excel is the top result so all I have to do is click Enter and boom, the app is open. Hell, you can drag and drop most used applications to the top of the finder window, so every time you open a finder window, apps are lined up at the top.


    So, if you consider yourself an "expert" in both, you're just either a Windows fanboy, or completely lying to yourself about which is quicker.



    One other thing--multiple monitors. Windows is the fucking WORST at handling multiple monitors. Every graphics card has its own separate set up, settings aren't remembered, and sometimes, it just doesn't want to connect. With Mac OS and the MBP, it auto detects every time, displays whether you want mirrored or extended on the touch bar as soon as you connect, and functions flawlessly.

  10. On 7/10/2018 at 7:41 PM, IdeaOfEvil said:

    What's the actual number pixel dimension that you can max out on? 90x90? That's really kinda tiny for modern day monitors where 160x160 or 200x200 would just start looking nice =)

    They're at 110 x 110. I just did a test bump up to 150 and the avatars dominate the screen--it's more "hey look at me!" than "hey look what I posted". It's super distracting. The only way it wouldn't be distracting is if we disallowed animated avatars. And I'm sorry, but I'd rather have a smaller animated avatar than a larger static avatar.:shrug: 

  11. The Airpods are absolutely the best wireless earbuds on the market. 


    And Face ID is a huge improvement over Touch ID. Once you get a phone without a home button, you'll wonder why it took so long to implement because it's just so damn intuitive. 


    And with iOS 12, notifications are finally where they should be. 


    I love my MacBook Pro. It might not be the fastest laptop, but the trackpad is a dream, and Mac OS is so far ahead of Windows in terms of usability and interface. My productivity has increased a ridiculous amount just because it's so much easier to multi-task on Mac OS. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Dodger said:

    Little ceasers is easily the worst large chain pizza and it isn’t even close

    Their deep dish Pepperoni is easily the BEST fast food pizza. And their crazy bread is better than any of the other companies' bread sticks. 


    Sarpino's is fucking horrible, but I'd eat week old Sarpino's over anything Papa John's. 



    Of course, this is just for the likes of:


    Pizza Hut

    Little Caesars 


    Papa John's 



    Nothing, and I do mean nothing, comes remotely close to Lou Malnati's. Don't believe me? Get some yourself. 



  13. 2 hours ago, 5timechamp said:

    What is the main plan youre following?



    I'm now down 26. I'm cutting with a low calorie diet with as close to a 40/30/30 ratio as possible. Most days are between 1100-1400 calories. 


    I also use the Nike Training Club app which is the best app I've found for a scheduled workout plan. There's lots to choose from and if you have any experience with Beach Body workouts, the video format is similar, which is really nice. Best of all, the app is completely free. It's crazy how much some apps charge. I usually do 4-5 workouts a week, ranging from 15-30 minutes. Nothing too intense. 


    We also do walks every night of about 4 miles. I'd rather spend my time on the rower or treadmill, but Triage likes the time out on walks, so I walk. 


    I usually do one cheat meal a week. Or night--if we have company over for game night, I'll relax what I eat quite a bit, but 95% of the time I stick to my meal plan:


    Morning: Coffee w/stevia, gummy vitamins, a packet of instant oatmeal 


    Morning/Afternoon snacks: a whole Larabar (half is one snack)


    Lunch: pre-made nutrition shake. I usually do the GNC Lean 25, which are really good, but in an effort to save a bit of money I've switched to EAS Advantage. Not as good, but it works. 


    Dinner: I need to eat something, so this is the meal I enjoy. I have half a ham & cheese sandwich with pepperoncini, pickles, mustard, wasabi sauce, and some butter & garlic heated on our panini press. Along with 10 Pringles. Why Pringles? They're not my favorite, but one chip is 10 calories. So they're perfect for getting portions right. We also have these really good waffle cookies that come in different flavors, and one is 23 calories, so I have two. All that comes out to around 400 calories. 


    Evening snack: Either wasabi peas, one cheese stick, and a couple more of the waffle cookies; or a prepackaged cup of hummus with baby carrots and two of those waffle cookies. 



    On weekends my breakfast will be a one egg omelet with a slice of cheese, and half a piece of toast. 



    You'd be surprised how quickly your stomach shrinks so you get full from less. We went out to have Eggs Benedict on Sunday, and I couldn't finish my hash browns and felt overly full for about the next 6 hours. 


    Should I keep it up, I should hit 170 sometime in October. 

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