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Posts posted by imthesoldier

  1. 15 hours ago, best3444 said:


    I didn't enjoy the first one and stopped playing about 3 hours in. That footage above looks like cgi/,cut scenes. It really didn't look like any true gameplay was shown. Maybe soon I'll give the first one a shot again. 


    How is the gameplay overall? Does it set itself a part from other 3rd-person titles, or are the graphics, and sound design the big qualities? 

  2. 15 hours ago, SoberChef said:

    All I want is for Rebellion to finally show SOMETHING about Sniper Elite 5!! An update about Hellblade 2 would be nice as it made its debut at what, the 2019 show right, so we should be well due for not only a solid update but perhaps a release date as well?


    As for the fact that D2 just had their 30th anniversary launch, there's an outside for a trailer for Witch Queen perhaps? Possibly something Forza Motorsport related as well? Also, let's not forget we will more than likely be seeing the next Bioshock getting revealed Thursday night as well!


    Having played Sniper Elite 3, and 4, I would love another Sniper Elite. Maybe they could move beyond WWII, and head to Korea...or even Cold War setting. Their console ports are also quite good with the Switch versions of 3, and 4 proving to be very optimized, although even the PC releases are quite stable as well. 

  3. 6 hours ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:



    I just got done finishing up with Duke Nukem 3D World Tour on Switch a few days ago. Maybe I should dust off my digital copy, and actually give this a go. 


    Speaking of which, for anyone who have Quake remaster for consoles, but would rather play with the precision of a Keyboard/Mouse, you're in luck as a couple months ago, this feature was added: 


    Bethesda has quietly added keyboard and mouse controles to the Quake Remaster on console, including Nintendo Switch.


    I did briefly try this out about a month ago on Switch, and it is just as advertised. Plug n' Play keyboard and mouse support. Now if only MORE Retro shooters would add this to console versions...

  4. On 11/30/2021 at 4:02 PM, Xbob42 said:

    Actually, there's a fair selection of games on Steam that are DRM-free. As in, you download them from Steam and can just copy the contents wherever you want, don't need Steam running, etc. Developers are the ones who choose to use things like Steamworks or whatever the basic Steam-must-be-open DRM is. Only exception, I think, is that they still require a first launch with Steam open to finish the installation.



    This is a list of games and software available on Steam that do not require the use of the Steam client itself (after the game or software is downloaded using the client), do not contain any third-party DRM (Games for Windows - LIVE, Uplay, Denuvo Anti-Tamper, etc.), or the optional Valve CEG (Custom Executable Generation) Steam component, making them effectively launcher-free applications once downloaded...



    Well, blow me sideways. Learned something new today. 

  5. On 11/15/2021 at 8:24 PM, HardAct said:

         I was able to preorder the 512 version with the upgraded screen, though expensive I have been going through new tech withdrawal after not getting a ps5 or series X {Though I'm getting a XSX on Nov. 24th through BB Now} so they got my 5 bucks. I like you thought plenty of time for reviews, and even longer. After searching for information on my Reservation, I see now that it has been pushed back to 1Q 2022. I think I'm keeping it though, It just really looks amazing! Sucks because we know in 6months after release there will be a better version Pro upgrade but I'm all in on this thing, I LOVE THE CONCEPT! 


    Keep in mind their production schedule is likely based on how many reservations there are right now (I think it's maybe 250-500k or something?). Once the holders' number comes up to purchase one, I can guarantee there will be a slew of folks opting to not get one, which may, or may not delay you as far back as you might expect. 


    5 bucks is 5 bucks, and if holders decide not to buy it, it simply goes back into their Steam Wallet, so you're not losing anything by reserving one. That said, if all reservation holders such as ourselves think in the same way...well, we'll be waiting then. Lol 


    But truly, I think while my queue is at Q2 2022 when it was originally Q1 2022, I wouldn't be surprised if more than a few people end up getting bumped up from Q2 back to Q1 once people start pulling out. 

  6. 5 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

    They need to stick with the 'O' in the GOG. That was the main draw back in the day. I know that DRM-free "new" games are appealing, but that's probably where most of their money is going.


    Couldn't agree more. I love that they provide their service as  DRM-free, plus putting older games on there. I know Steam does a pretty good job of also providing older games, but of course, those are tied to the service itself, and thus not DRM-free. 


    It would even be cooler if older console games could be introduced, but licensing, and other legal issues would be quite rampant to the point it would never get off the ground. 


    Speaking of getting off the ground, I seriously want No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 to be brought back, which I know Nightdive Studios wanted to do that until legal reasons with the copyright holders filed to have it stopped (I believe it was because no one actually knows who legitimately owns the game, and is in legal limbo). That said, I do know of a "mod" that allows those games to run unofficially on modern systems with widescreen support, no-CD crack, and such. 


    GOG is supposed to be that platform for games that otherwise would be lost to time, sort of an official archive for PC games, and would love to see it continue. 

  7. 42 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


    Ah, I didn't know that was even thing. Apparently I entered for my 3080 Ti on 6/3, got the email a month ago.


    Better than me. I originally entered into the queue for a 3060 Ti on March 7th (entered a 2nd 3060 ti in July, but I'll likely cancel that), and I still have not received a notification from them. My theory is there are a lot less people in the queue for a 3080 ti than a 3060 ti, so I expect to be waiting a lot longer. 


    My running joke is what will arrive first: My 3060 ti, or my 512GB Steam Deck? :lol:

  8. Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii 


    This is slightly cheating because the game originally came out in 2010, but we did not get it in NA until 2012, so I think it counts. For me, it is 2nd to Skies of Arcadia as my all-time GOAT, so it's not an easy bar to reach. 


    The way how the overworld is explored, the combat system, the sidequests (which btw a good portion of them are completed just by playing the game, so there is less drag/grind), the general overall story arc, and of course the music. Just about everything about it is damn near flawless, and it's one of those rare games that gets almost everything right about it. And especially for the hardware of the Wii, it's one of the most impressive games of that whole generation. Even in just general playthroughs, the loading times are almost non-existent, there's fast-travel, you can change the time at any point, and you can save at any point. 


    It is an easy game to just pick up and play, and it rewards you greatly for exploration. It doesn't hold punches though in how difficult it can get for those who strive to tackle the Super-Bosses, so those looking for more of a challenge are included. Not to mention the New Game Plus mode begs you to play the game again, but without all the hassle of going to the low-level fights again. 


    It's easily a 200-plus hour adventure w/ the New Game Plus playthrough, but it just feels complete when you're done with it. 

  9. 22 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

    If you’re in the EVGA queue, check your spam/junk folder religiously 


    I also occasionally check MyEVGA to see if a notification was ever sent at all, and thus far, none has ever been sent. I have a 3060 Ti in the queue since March of this year (added a second 3060 ti in July), and still waiting when my queue is up. 


    I do wonder what will arrive first for me: My Steam Deck in Q2 2022, or EVGA 3060 Ti. :hmm:

  10. I disagree. The Super Switch will be an evolution of the current Switch, meaning more powerful system with AI upscaling to 4K resolutions in order to please those with 4K TVs, and still maintaining backwards compatibility. Heck, I could almost see Nintendo extending the life of the Tegra X1 by releasing a 4K dock that has a hardware upscaler built-in because Nintendo. 


    While I see Nintendo diving into Streaming more, I think VR is where they'll branch into next, but once the tech is withered enough for their purposes. Almost as though the headset is an accessory to the Switch system, but still portable. 



  11. I don't plan on getting a PS5 anytime soon, so I'm fine playing games at 1080p30 if that's what they're running at.


    If nothing else, it gives me something to look forward to similar to when I first play some PC title that stresses my system where I can't run it at max settings, only to try it again years later after a new rig, and bake in all of the glory that is max settings. That's what I feel for the PS4/Xbone, and PS5/SeSX situation. I don't even own a 4K TV yet, so I'm not going to see a league of difference anyway. :shrug:


    I still want to check out MGSV, Dad of War, TLOU2, Ghost of Tsushima, etc, but I'll likely do that all on my PS4. I can also wait for the eventual PS5 Slim model.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

    Never gave a shit if it's unbalanced etc. myself and always liked this version the most as well. It's incredibly fun to aim with the Wiimote.


    I think the IR controls made the Tank control movements easier to maneuver, and just overall felt nice. My only qualm though is using the sniper as you have to use the the analog stick on the nunchuck when zooming in.


    And speaking of tank controls. They sucked in OG RE games back then, and they still suck today. Eternal Darkness solved that issue in the early 2000s, and it was glorious. /rant

  13. 11 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    BOTW 2 will be the Madden of the Switch. Same crappy game with minimal improvements.


    Before you ask, yes I am from the future and have played it.


    Nah, man. BOTW2 will be Majora's Mask of the Switch. Cult following, well loved, but left in the dust compared to its predecessor.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


    Turning Hare Krishnas into hot dogs was always the highlight for me. :p



    Ah yes. A Classic. Picking up random citizens in a stolen Metro Bus only to drive them to their eventual death. All courtesy of the Russian Mafia.


    EDIT: Also, we can't forget the rather excellent Theme of GTA2:




    • Shocked 1
  15. Just now, Keyser_Soze said:


    SA is closest to the previous best one, GTA 2 because the gang stuff.


    GTA2 was tons of fun back in the day for mostly just goofing around. Stealing the tank from the army base was always a joy (too bad Rockets could easily destroy it). The Gang stuff though I will admit were fun in terms of the variety of missions. And it was even possible to do all missions from every gang if you simply killed enough of your "friends."


    I always did hate it though when I believe it was the Mafia when they would fire on you with shotguns. Two hits on your car, and it explodes...which I believe was the same in GTA3 after the Don was killed.


    SA though I just felt it threw everything into the game, and hoped it would all stick. Granted, it has been years since I last played SA, so maybe my thoughts are different now, but I always preferred Vice City over San Andreas. VC was also that era of stunt videos with your car, or motorcycle (even made one myself back in the day).

  16. 8 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I liked it a lot more when it released, but it was surpassed so many ways. First Light was really good, though; it distilled what worked in Second Son and gave a more focused experience.


    It wasn't even Cole for me; it just seemed like the side missions were really lacking. Taking over each district and then brawling with the DUP? That concept by itself was fine, but I'd rather have had more meaningful side missions like Cole's Legacy and fewer district things involving cameras and spies that were really basic. The taking over districts work as part of an overall batch of side missions, but being the only side thing didn't work as well.


    I almost forgot about all the side stuff in Second Son. I now remember how tedious they were, and I kept thinking to myself, "Was it really this tedious in the first two games because I remember having a blast going 100% on those?"

  17. On 8/19/2021 at 7:41 AM, 5timechamp said:

    … So I do the overnight install, a product of the times we game in. I start up the game next day and thought it was the wrong game cause its all Warzone


    -the game insist im missing add-ons so I cant access crap… so I find content reinstall and finally get in.

    - I get to a Modern Warfare menu and get greeted by a list of other mandatory add-ons necessary to access the campaign..


    I await its download… This had better be a hell of a campaign lol


    I lived the OG Call of Duty days. I loved playing the original COD plus its expansion (remember those?) United Offensive. Even COD2, and COD4 were all quite good, and I played a fair bit of Online on all of those, including COD: Ghosts when my buddies and I would play it on Wii U (IR Aiming, baby!). But now, COD is mostly shit imo.


    The last COD I played was the first two levels of WWII when it was part of the PS+ Free game month. It was utter shit, and uninstalled it promptly. I don't plan on going back to COD again really. I joke with some of my old COD buddies if COD will ever come to Switch. I'm now at a point where I'll say, "Fuck COD. Let's go play some Monster Hunter." /rant



    But good luck to you, sir. Those add-on things sound like a PITA. Since this game was all downloaded, why didn't the game just install everything that was required to play the main campaign to begin with? :hmm:

  18. 3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


    I remember being very impressed with the PS4 load times when Ghost of Tsushima released. For an open world game on a standard hard drive, it was optimized.


    I shouldn't be too surprised given it's Sucker Punch, and I loved playing the inFamous games (well, the first two anyway. Second Son was alright, but nothing compared to the first two. I miss Cole...)

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